Except for the confusion related to the sound archive, the operation was being a success. Fixer was so full of himself that he remembered a commander he had once obeyed, who claimed that droids could not be wrong. Then he reminded himself a few other moments in which he had been wrong and tempered his mood. By the way, he couldn't keep piloting this beauty from a maintenance computer forever. Anyway, he decided to swithch off life maintenance and lights in the cargo hold and transfer that energy to the shields, while charging a routine evading course to prevent being hit from the station or his ships. [i]"We are out, sir!"[/i] he transferred through internal commlink [i]"However I would really like to know WHO has started firing in the cargo hold! Mainly vvecause Im just by it. And if someone could pliiiise get down here, to the cockpit, or to the Ion Cannons, dat... dat would be awesome"[/i] Then, Fixer went silent, and directed his improved sensors to try and guess what was going on behind the sealed door. He would had sworn he had heard an explosion. And the guards were not yelling anymore. His gun yet pointing at the entrance, he commanded the computer with the last orders needed to get out and set the autopilot. Then he blocked the terminal, switched the screen and light off and, relying on his improved sensors, proned near the door and opened it, gun in his right hand. If he had success, he would be able to reach for the stairway meanwhile the guards or whoever was in the hold recovered his feet after the maneouver, and do it under cover from darkness. Slowly, he started walking backways, ducked, with slow but continous movements. His sensors gave him advantage. They had to.