Hey guys! This is just a very rough, very basic check to see if anyone would be interested in a roleplay based in Scandinavia, set sometime during the 13th Century. The roleplay will be based off the TV Show [i]Vikings[/i], as I've been watching it recently, and it's what inspired me to do something Norsemen-themed. As well as having watched the whole nine-episode season in about two days, I've also got a decent grasp on Norse Mythology, and I'll be doing a lot of reading into how Viking Society actually worked, before I get this RP up and running - to try and make it as accurate as possible, whilst still being enjoyable! Anywho, I don't really have any plot sketched out as yet, other than the basic idea of having the RP be based in a Viking Village somewhere, with the men (and some shieldmaidens) going off on raids every now and then on 'plot arcs'. There'll be a lot of NPCing, and people are welcome to play multiple characters if they'd like. Anyways, yeah - that's it, so far! I hope this gets interest, and.. if you are interested, feel free to chuck plot ideas at me through a PM, or just post them here!