Well then, now that most of the characters are done and [@Rin]'s is well underway (I hope), we should probably start thinking about a few rules and guidelines for our RP, starting with how we are going to handle rolling. First, for combat I would like to propose rolling the attack and the damage, adding them into your post in a hider and I'll apply the damage if you hit. If for any reason you would like this to be handled differently, please speak your mind. Perhaps your way is better! Then, out of combat rolls. For this I have some different proposals, so I'll say them all and have you pick. We can either do that quite like the combat rolls, you throw what you think is appropriate and I'll use them if I come to the same judgement about the situation. Then there's the option where nothing is rolled unless I specifically ask for a roll, the last option being that I take care of them all. As I know how much players love their dice (virtual or not), while the last option keeps metagaming to a minimum, nobody usually wants to do it that way. Preferences? And last things last, I've got to vent how hard it has been for me to reach this site today. Server errors left and right... Well, let's get this settled before moving on to the next thing on my list.