Two pages later and I'm still being mentioned, the urge to retort with a long deconstruction is almost overwhelming but I know that wont help anything. So I'm asking someone else please to ask this to be dropped (for the 3rd time). And I don't mind being called names or whatever but I did not call anyone a nazi,(he cant find any post where I said that) I generally don't like throwing that word around because real neo-nazi's exist in Europe and its not a pretty sight. A cult leader and nazi arent the same thing, this is being over-dramatized. I wont @ him, but he keeps saying I don't like him because of his politics, which just isnt true, no one can read my mind and tell me who I like or dislike. I wont even comment on the conspiracy theory crap because its too ridiculous to comprehend. That's all I have to say on that. Back to our regular bitching... I hate it when people enjoy hentai or erotic visual novels ironically. If you like it just be sincere, don't hide behind a wall of cringey self-deprecation.