[quote=@Shoryu] HEY HO! I shall get a CS in soon... provided the site behaves enough when I try to post it XD I may also need to PM the GM about something character related... maybe XD And definitely need to look up the difference between curses... much as I like dark souls, i have no idea what the difference between them is! XD [/quote] Well, I can help a little bit about that. Hollows, from what I understand are basically just mindless undead, to an extent. As the saying goes, all Hollow are Undead, but not all Undead are Hollow. Not sure there's much of a difference there, but as for the Unkindled... As from what I remember, they're basically people who tried linking the first flame or a bonfire, but were consumed by the flame in the process, later revived by the bells. Read this for a good theory on what Unkindled are: [url=http://darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Lore#main]Unkindled[/url] Almost done with my Cs, by the way.