[Center] [IMG]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/6bdd60519e3e25a1be9cd5dee078f7e7/http://i740.photobucket.com/albums/xx50/Skulduggery2/_The_Hunter__by_o0littlehands0o.jpg[/img] [h2] "There's probably a gun for that..."[/h2] Name: Simon Ivanovo Rogov Alias: S.I.R, Mr. Snipe, and Mr. S. Gender: Male Age: 30 Affiliation/Rank: [U]Block 66[/u] •Hitman/Assassin (Specializing in Guns) •Escort( Both literal meaning and sexual) Yes he's a straight prostitute he needs the money. •Waiter( Deuces Wild Eatery) Appearance: Simon's a 6'3" tall male of Russian descent. He's built well and is very fit for a man of his size. His causal attire consists of a causal outfit and a cello case. On a first impression he appears to be a laid back and calmed type of fellow. Bio: As a child Simon moved a lot due to his families background and career field. A family full of 'criminals' that kills people for the right amount of money is the last type of family you'd believe to have allies, which was true. As he grew up he learned hand to hand combat on a regular basis and was taught about guns inside and out. The countless years of training prepared him for his family's career and that's when things in his life got more hectic. Week after week he'd go on missions across the world barely speaking the languages of the countries he went to. Sometimes he'd get uneasy and fill sick but his father always calmed his nerves by telling him their job isn't all that bad. His father would always mention a man named Jack who was one of the nicest people he ever met in this world. Simon's father would never go into detail but he'd always say "I owe him and would pay him back no matter how high the request was." Hearing that somehow always seemed to cheer Simon up. Luckily Simon was able to spend time with his father before he met his death later in Simon's life. After burrying his father Simon lost the only person he could full trust in the world. He'd be shoulder deep in depression and loneliness if it wasn't for his father's stories. He quickly decided to search for the person named Jack which was tough since the only information he had was that he owned a Diner in a city. He started his search when he was 18 and due to his poor english and little to known sense of direction found the diner at least 5 years later. By the time he found the Diner Jack was deceased and that saddened him even more. He wanted to repay Jack back in his father's place but was unable to since he was dead. During an unsuccessful search for Jack's murderers Simon came across Donnie. In hopes of fulfilling his fathers will he pledges to serve under Block 66 until his heart stops of old age. Personality: Simon isn't the type of person you'd go to if you're planning on asking for a full scale plan. He likes to think with guns and will not hesitate to use one to try to solve everyday problems. He seems to be slow in the head but he is pretty smart when it comes to other things, especially when it comes to guns. Simon is really friendly and hates to see a friend disrespected in any type of way.(Best to run cause he will shoot the person who harmed his friend) He oddly loves shooting people and can be commonly seen cleaning a gun on his off time. He will sometimes do literally anything, but betrayal for money. Other: •Simon carries four guns.(he has way more but only carry this many at a time) A desert eagle which is holstered on his right side, and within the cello case on his back roughly a Locke 370 Magnetic Sniper Rifle and two revolvers. Silencers and ammo is also packed within the cello case. •Simon is terrible when it comes to directions. He knows North, South, etc, but if given a long task that doesn't have to do with assassination he'll find it a bit complicating. [/Center]