Not long after Khaine had begun his vigil, almost as if timed for his arrival, a previously unseen door began to open in the side of the mountain. Darkness filled the cavern inside. A shaft of light striking through dust was all that could be seen in the opening, blinding the dreadlord form making out anything behind it. But he could detect movement, coming forward, a small thing, but of course opponents were not to be judged by size alone. Then he saw it, two, tiny little hands and a beautiful, innocent face with round cheeks and bright blue eyes. Little Ilyndriel walked out, stopping to look around at the upworld of this strange planet. The air was still, as Khaine's presence alone had silenced the wildlife around him. She looked all around, and then finally noticed first Khaine's big feet and followed them up until she had to lean back to see all of him. She blinked and gasped softly. Hatred and malice seethed off the banished demon as the wind blew a blonde curl across the girl's face. "Hello." She said in this awkward moment of stillness. "... Do you live inside the mountain too?"