A bright light consumed the area for a moment. Raiya had to close her eyes, as the brightness was a tad blinding in contrast to the dark shady canopy of the forest. After the light subsided, the rest of the four in the group stood where the light once exuded. Raiya raised an eye. [i][color=ec008c]So... it seems like Nemo decided to let someone else courier him here. I know that he used a teleportation spell once, but by the mana wave signature, this spell was obviously cast by that girl clad in white. It might be possible that Nemo was trying to save mana for an anticipated encounter. Which also probably means he has come to the same conclusion I have. That Felix didn't tell us everything about these catacombs. And this slab of runic stone here obviously tells a different story. I can't imagine Felix didn't know about this, he has to be testing us. [/color][/i] [color=ec008c]"Well, now that it seems everyone is here. We have a bit of a roadblock."[/color] Raiya pointed at the large rectangular slab of runic stone seeming embedded in the ground. [color=ec008c]"From what very little of the runes I can read, it seems like any tampering with this stone or anything within the confines of it will result in the liquefying of the organs of everyone in the immediate vicinity. My forte is blowing shit up and slicing people, I know very little about runes or the act of disarming them."[/color] Raiya glanced at the rock, and then at Yuno and Travis. [color=ec008c]"Perhaps one of the nerds in our group can handle this one?" [/color]Raiya smirked.