[@HushedWhispers] <-- totally not edited in [hider=Character Name][hr][hr][center][h1][color=lightsteelblue]Andrew H. Montenegro[/color][/h1][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/40TrgEa.gif[/img] [b]{ [/b]"[i]I'm just a very simple person who hides thousands of feelings behind a smile.[/i]"[b] }[/b] -[b][i]Will Smith[/i][/b][/center][ hr] | [color=lightsteelblue][b]Full Name[/b][/color] | Andrew H. Montenegro | [color=lightsteelblue][b]Nickname[/b][/color] | He'll respond to any nickname thrown at him but 'Andy' is the most common one. | [color=lightsteelblue][b]Birth Date[/b][/color] | June 21, 1990 | [color=lightsteelblue][b]Age[/b][/color] | 26 | [color=lightsteelblue][b]Relationship Status[/b][/color] | Single | [color=lightsteelblue][b]Gender[/b][/color] | Male | [color=lightsteelblue][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] | While he fully heartily agrees he is most likely a Homosexual, there has been a few girls he has liked before so... He guess that means he is a bisexual, with a masculine bias... an heavy bias. | [color=lightsteelblue][b]Profession[/b][/color] | A Professional Soccer Player and a relatively successful Singer on Youtube who has an impressive fanbase doing covers on songs from other artists. Musically and Vine are the few other social media apps that he's on so he has a diverse area for other people to listen to. Having a few other content that he posts on Youtube such as a blog at the start and end of every week to sum and end his week. It also works as advertisement for his soccer games so woot! | [color=lightsteelblue][b]In Depth Appearance[/b][/color] | Andrew has what you would call an 'athletic build' composed of all the years of training and physical activity has shaped his body into a lean mean machine for an athlete. Standing around 5'10, he's not too terribly tall nor is he short so he's pretty average, having naturally blonde hair and murky bluish silver colored eyes with an infectious smile on his face. Weighing around 160 lbs, he is perfectly comfortable with his weight and likes wear casual clothing but a bit closer to the fancier side for more important events. If it's more like a friendly outing then he doesn't mind wearing more casual kind of clothing unless he wants to dress to impress. Occasionally wearing glasses to go out, but most likely he will be wearing contacts instead as it's easier for sports but always has a pair of glasses on if should anything happen to his contacts. It's only possible for someone as lazy as Andrew himself to be this physically fit and attractive due to him having to literally keep himself in shape as its needed for his job. If it wasn't for his occupation, you could expect him to not have as defined muscles but he always been self-conscious of his appearance when he was chubbier since he didn't actively play in sports back then. Making sure that his appearance is taken care of as much as possible which was an additional motivation to dig himself out of the hole he was once before in and stay that way. [hr][hr] [center][h3][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3c0ftiu5i1r7ifqv.gif[/img][/h3][/center] [hr][hr] | [color=lightsteelblue][b]Habits | Quirks | Oddities[/b][/color] | > Andrew's way of confirming things are never definite even if he knows 100% that it is surely that answer he will always answer in "Maybe", "I think so", "Probably" and whatever else that can be listed as not being 100% sure of something. If he notices himself doing thing, he'll try to correct himself but most of the time goes unnoticed by him. > Lets first get this straight that Andrew sucks at remembering people's name straight up okay? He is utterly hopeless at this as he can go for months talking to a person without knowing either first or last name, only being saved by him hearing their name in conversations. He can, however, recite random facts off the top of his head but for some reason but names just go straight through one side of his head and right out. > Another bad habit of his is that he can never finish a drink and even if he did, he'll just leave the cup wherever he was once he was done with it. Often resulting in several cups in different rooms and forgets to clean them up most of the time, causing a situation where he has no cups left in his cabinets. > Sometimes the worries in life gets to Andrew and whenever the situation calls for it he likes to release whatever has been pent up by exercising. When he's mad? He goes running for a good hour or two. When he's sad? He disappears for a walk for an hour or two and maybe even three. Whenever he needs to relieve stress from his life, an emotional exercise can really release some pent up stuff he has been holding. | [color=lightsteelblue][b]Hobbies[/b][/color] | > Despite being a lazy butt, he likes to exercise because he enjoys it and it makes him feel good since he looks pretty nice. Mostly going on walks and jogs, it helps train him for whenever he decides to go run a marathon but other than that, it helps him keep in shape. > His education was something that surprised everyone when he had a liking for learning other languages and cultures. Having quite a fun time learning languages outside of simply English to employ in a variety of situations such as traveling. He has learned the most spoken languages of Spanish and Chinese to get around those countries and is planning on learning Hindu whenever he can get to it. > Before sport, he used to invest a good chunk of his time drawing people that he knew or have taken their photos of before and was a good drawer. He didn't have much of an interest in colorful art as he preferred to use a pencil to do his drawings and making shadows to add some realism to them but never employed the use of colors. | [color=lightsteelblue][b]Likes[/b][/color] | [color=springgreen]☑[/color] He likes to dish out the frying pan and cook something nice for himself to eat or once in a while make something for others to enjoy whether it be at his place with a barbecue or something to bring for a party. [color=springgreen]☑[/color] Using that oven too is something that he likes to do when he was younger and his mother asked him often to make her delicious banana bread for everyone. It has infected Andrew too despite hating to help her when he was younger. [color=springgreen]☑[/color] As someone who likes to cook, it can only be expected that he likes to eat as well! Always having room for food really, as he can always regret it later and work it off whenever. It's a good way of letting himself have a treat but he never tries to eat too much unhealthy food if he can't help it. [color=springgreen]☑[/color] He always likes exercising yes, but when you have to work hard to reach a breathtaking view is something else that is rewarding him for his efforts. It is something he takes in mind of as he goes jogging out, as he might take a detour to go see the sunset setting if he only has to hike a little bit or perhaps climb a small hill or even mountain if he was confident enough. [color=springgreen]☑[/color] His parents were always quite irresponsible as they often invited their close friends over for partying in the desert or mountains and stay up late. Even though he was naturally a night owl he grew accustomed to what would be the nightlife, which involved at the very least a bunch of dancing. [color=springgreen]☑[/color] Which brings us to his next thing Andrew likes to do, which is dancing as even though he is quite shy with doing it in front of his friends after a sip of something 'bubbly' and he'll dance some. As the night progresses he lets go of himself holding back and moves with the flow of the music along with the people around him as well. Those who have seen him dance before knows that he has fun pulling himself up a pole and swinging. Now let's just say... he has gotten a large amount of tip doing just that before. [color=springgreen]☑[/color] The snow has always been a favorite weather phenomenon, even if he had to shovel it up many times before. The chilling flakes have always been fun to play with, whether it be a snowball to the face or a sled that you'd bounce off of and bleed, it was always a fun experience. [color=springgreen]☑[/color] Besides snow, their sibling rain is his second most favorite kind of weather in which he likes to watch from inside the house and through the windows for minutes that could span to hours. Sometimes if he's feeling up for it, he'll ditch the coat and simply walk into the rain as it douses him completely. [color=springgreen]☑[/color] He's an animal person! While his parents may have given him weird looks when he asked for a cat when they already had 2 dogs and 7 other dogs who came to see them often (family friends), he always wanted a cute kitty. Now that he has grown up, he had just gotten that has grown to be an obnoxious but lovable Maine Coon. His name is Tigger, coming from a certain children's book. He also had a cute german shepherd called Christopher and surprise surprise... the same book. Together the two get along fine as brother and sisters. [color=springgreen]☑[/color] Roller Coasters are something that he likes to ride, the thrill and adrenaline is something that he loves about them. Although he does tend to hyperventilate a little bit before riding them but its totally worth the anxiety attack! [color=springgreen]☑[/color] He also likes worrying about lots of things that makes him stressed out most of the time <-- A joke by his friends | [color=lightsteelblue][b]Dislikes[/b][/color] | [color=maroon]☑[/color] While he is impartial to driving, he prefers to carpool so he can sleep during the whole ride wherever he is going. If it's with a friend who is graciously dropping him off, then he'll strike some conversation and subtract some minutes from whatever else he is doing today for a nap later. [color=maroon]☑[/color] He doesn't like being bored if he was more or less dragged to a place because of his lack of ability to say 'no', so if the place starts to get boring his gonna slip. He'll mostly stay around the general area but before long he will be gone somewhere else and be back at the place he's staying at by the end of the night. Even if he isn't dragged out to some nightclub, he'll get bored by himself and leave to do something to burn time. [color=maroon]☑[/color] If there was one thing that Andrew could identify that he hated about traveling to remote places would be their lack of signal. He hates trying to call but nothing goes through, straight like a horror movie in which he's tempted to grab something to defend himself. [color=maroon]☑[/color] If there is anything that he hates besides the lack of signal, it is those who he calls and they don't pick up so he waits before calling them before rinsing and repeating for a good hour or two. If it was something urgent, then he'll be a tad angry but if it was something simple he'll call back later. However, his parents have no leeway of not answering his cell since he calls them for breakfast, lunch and dinner since they always complain about their children never coming to see them or talk to them. [color=maroon]☑[/color] Politics sucks in general as he hates discussing that and all the opinions of people spilling out as people argue about their beliefs. He hates that time whenever an election comes and tries to keep neutral should a conversation pop out but in general hates them. However, he does like to voice out his hate for their new president who would like to build a 10-feet wall and various other things Andrew disagrees with. So I guess it would be inevitable that he'd be dragged into this presidency thing as well huh? [color=maroon]☑[/color] He dislikes a mess even though he can be messy himself, but tries to clean up after himself whenever he is making a mess. His house is generally clean whenever guests are over since his mother burned into him her OCD of being a clean freak whenever people came over and help her clean the house. Passing this on to Andrew, he likes to make sure his house is clean when people come over but when they're unannounced, a few things can be laying around but not that messy... [color=maroon]☑[/color] He and roller coasters have an hate-love relationship where he hates being in line for them but loves the thrill that shoots through him when he rides them. So his opinion about them is neutral but the lines suck so there's one negative about them. Then there is also the emotional roller coaster of the line itself as he tends to die a little bit before he rides them so there's that as well. [hr][hr] [center][h3][img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/6acda2844e033777df2ece68f8493765/tumblr_n2149dFYbv1sg8qnbo1_500.gif[/img][/h3][/center] [hr][hr] | [color=lightsteelblue][b]Fears[/b][/color] | > Andrew knows that all of these people that he is meeting up with in the summer are all of his friends but that doesn't mean he hasn't came out of the closet yet to anyone... His relationships with a few guys he's dated before have been quiet and under the radar while with the girls, he dated have been posted on his social media and yadda yadda... So everyone he knows besides the guys he's dated only know that he likes girls. So preferably he'd not have his secret exposed. > Long time ago, people used to talk shit about Andrew and the question was 'Why?' because who the hell would talk crap to this guy? The reason for that was because he wasn't the most fittest of children back then but never on the level of obese but due to the targeting of bullies which inflicted him with a case of anxiety towards his own body. While he has shatter that self-hating thinking about himself, it was a dark period of time for him that he had to handle. Now while he doesn't worry about his weight as much since he has been exercising, he does take criticism about his body heavily but you can let the shower of compliments keep on coming. | [color=lightsteelblue][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] | Determined, which would be a very accurate word to describe the struggles that Andrew has gone through in silence by himself with little to hold himself up. If it wasn't for his determination, he doubt this 'him' right now would be the same if he didn't work the ability to get himself out of the hole that he was in. Adventurous, another word that describes Andrew which people who hanged out with him before know him specifically for. His childish ways that he never really grew up from but simply hidden for the right time to pull them out. However, most of the time they get disregarded but he always keeps trying for that one moment for they can agree that it would be a good idea. Independent is a word to describe Andrew from a more psychological point in which he is capable of performing entirely by himself when he wishes to but is easily capable from being a loner to easily interacting with other people. A perfectly naturally actor should he choose to become one, he easily hides his emotions from needing anyone from worrying about him with a smile. Adaptable is a word not usually given to one from such a solid standing in life where being 'adaptable' is not really what would describe them from their cemented lifestyle. However, Andrew from his experience from doing many things have given him skills whether or not that he would've liked to work with for later situations to use. Social Flirt, is something other would call Andrew whenever he is out who whether intentionally or not is too nice to simply being too 'friendly' right? Taking his gestures and words more than what they mean can lead into awkward situations if not a pleasant surprise for Andrew. | [color=lightsteelblue][b]Personality[/b][/color] | Andrew is the kind of guy you would see and would like to meet up for a date but instead become good friends and no longer can be called 'dates' but friendly outings to try and help each other new dates as wingmen for each other. Being quite the joyful guy with an infectious smile, it was kinda hard to not think of him as your friend whoever you were. Inviting people into conversations before that seemed like they would be a nice fit, he was a social butterfly that attracted everyone to himself. He is like an impression on reality itself where people just gravitate towards him. With his features being quite warm and welcoming than intimidating, easily making friends wherever he goes. However, once you realize the talking died down and when the person who was doing all the talking has gotten silent to the point where its uncomfortable and he's kinda staring at you with a mellow face, things are gonna get real soon. Expressing his anger passively until it gets to the boiling point, he never lets his anger really leak out until he can release it in an explosion or work it off during a jog where he can just release whatever he has pented in. Should he start a fight, he likes to get his sucker punch in and never relents unless he plans to run away which he is quite good at. Being quite the fashionable guy, Andrew likes to shop for clothing that he looks nice and feels nice in while quantity of cost does matter the quality for quantity must be both reasonable. Having a good taste for his clothing, he makes sure to stay within style and keep some personal favorites with him but isn't afraid to test out the new unless its just ridiculous. Liking to keep his style casual most of the time, capable of altering it to be fancier when something important calls for it but doesn't need a suit then at least he can have the tie. While he usually ain't that flirty, he is hanging out with his friends who he just wants to have fun with and doesn't want to have people to hook up with. Keeping to his friendlier ways whenever he's out since he's just there to party, if he does see someone he'll approach them casually. If everything goes well, then you shouldn't expect to see him that same night but the point should be taken that he'll never do this with anyone he'd know that's there at the club. Enjoying his time looking for other people to spend time with preferably alone so that he won't get found out, he goes to remote places when he does so for more unique situations. | [color=lightsteelblue][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color] | Los Angeles, California | [color=lightsteelblue][b]Family[/b][/color] | Henry Montenegro - His father a middle-aged man who is surprisingly internet famous at his age. Being a funny gamer before spreading out to making his own popular series of games. Having quite a bit of fun before meeting his wife and becoming a step-father for his new family when he married her. Susette Montenegro- His mother who is an actor for several movies who were nominated for awards and nominated several times for different awards but never successful in getting them. She is memorable for her roles that she played in movies and voices that she has done for video games before as well. Meeting a wonderful man that would be her husband and become a step-mother to his daughter and son. Ryan Montenegro - His oldest brother whom his father's son from his previous marriage. Working as an engineer for an aerospace company, he makes a decent living getting the position with the help of his dad who used to work there. Rebecca Montenegro - His oldest sister from his dad's marriage from his previous marriage. Andrew doesn't really know what she works as since his father only recently reconnected with her after a family argument from the divorce. It also may be because he keeps forgetting to ask but oh well... Daniel Montenegro - His oldest biological brother, he is kind of the iffy child of the family who has had a bit of struggle in his life but has his own business with a deep interest in cars. Michael Montenegro- His second oldest biological brother, he works as a medical technician for doctors during surgery in a hospital. Originally he was working as a web developer independently at the time before moving to the side so he can focus on a job that is more reliant. Maddie Montenegro- His only and youngest biological sister who is slightly handicapped but over the years has been improving from her disability. She doesn't work and is taken cared by their mom but helps around the house when she can, although it can be a bit hard at times. | [color=lightsteelblue][b]History[/b][/color] | While raised with money, his childhood from what he could remember consisted of Andrew and his sister moving between two houses which was his father and mothers when his father still had custody of them. Spending time between his two parents was fun but he never understood why they had to travel so much between houses. His mother sacrificing a lot so that she could be closer to her children, was eventually given full custody of Andrew and his other siblings when his father left the country. Leaving his mom at the time with a young Andrew and his sister Maddie while with their rebellious and troubled brother Michael. The whole family was trouble to be exact, as his older brother Daniel was living in Sacromento with the grandparents and the one at home was doing bad academically along with hanging out with simply the wrong people. Forcing his mother to work hard with supporting 3 children, Andrew had to also grow up fast to take care of his handicap sister in her everyday life. Having to support her every morning so that she could be dressed for school and that they could leave while their mom left early for work with a job on the side whenever she couldn't find a voice acting job so that she could always have a source of income flowing no matter what incase something happened to her. With this kind of lifestyle, Andrew grew socially stunted as he felt reclusive from his duties as a child taking care of another child but worked through it. Union of his step-father and his mother coming into each other's lives. Both who have gone through a divorce and their own children had married and moved together in a larger house for their children and income with the two of them together to support the entire family. Of course, moving meant the total annihilation of whatever social ties he tried to grow but anything for the parents right? His new school which was a private academy, as homeschooling was too tedious to have when the concept of college. However, bullies from that school would target Andrew as the new kid of school and inflict some serious scars to him over the years. Exiting elementary school with emotional scars, his parents never knew as he was a silent child but he would heal over the never several years through middle school. Fixing and patching himself up by making himself some friends with a smile on his face, which attracted people to him and relieving his anxiety through school sports. It was a determined step forward to stepping out of the ditch that someone had pushed him into and it was working, for the most part. School would be school as comments would jab him in the side and pester him, often bringing him down into the dumps so he asked his parents to enroll him into sports outside of school so that no one could have a right to throw nasty remarks at him anymore. Building a muscular frame for any athletic kid of his age, it would help him in high school when he was already in shape to try out for any sports. Flying through High School with a brand new self, he literally changed himself over a two-year period as those who didn't know who he was thought that he was a new student once more. His friends who haven't seen him over the summer question who the hell was talking to them after puberty kicked in. Being quite the capable academic but was more renown for being a sporty person, being a good soccer player and well known for his hugs in school which he gave out to his friends. Often sporting as a replacement for another girl in the cheerleading squad whenever they were absent, he had fun since he was the only guy doing it. Dating one of the cheerleaders for a good 3-years during these high school years called Elizabeth, which ended once the first year of college began since neither couldn't handle a long-distance relationship. Getting a sports scholarship to his college luckily by a recruiter who Andrew had to fight other people to get for it but it worked! He received the scholarship out of the other competitors thankfully through making sure his damn impression on them was damn impressionable as he could make it. Now looking at where that gotten him, it doesn't look to bad consider that now. The struggles? Worth it. The pain? Worth it. The experience? Definitely worth it! | [color=lightsteelblue][b]Extra[/b][/color] | Robert Downey Jr. would be a favorite celebrity on the big screen, maybe Dylan O'brien for the smaller screen even though he is in some movies. [/hider] Finished however, I seemed to be beaten by another character