Thought-speech is another sketchy point. Presumably it's based on the Andalites natural telepathic abilities right? So if it's a change associated with the morphing technologies why doesn't it transfer to the natural form as well? *shrug* I'll just hand wave that as advanced alien tech that my mere human brain can't comprehend. For those who don't know the series, thought-speech is a bit self-explanatory, but I'll explain anyway just so everyone knows for certain. It's basically a telepathic ability a morpher gains access to when morphed, especially useful for forms of creatures that don't do much talking or communicating. Andalites, the blue alien centaurs with scorpion tails that created the Escafil device and the morphing technology, do not have mouths on their faces, instead they have them on their feet (I think) and they do all their communicating with thought-speak instead of lips and vocal cords. What do you guys think, is four enough to start an OOC?