[@Zetsuko] Blackwatch Floor 4 / Town of Angels Rest / Level 26 / Afternoon Blackwatch stood his ground on the charge and waited for the telling swipe. As Zanuka dipped to his side, black leaped forward and felt the sharp edge of the blade pass mere inches from his lightly armored body. Coming up in a quick roll, he put the dagger in his left hand and used the right to throw more daggers. Each throw was a single sharp blade aimed at Zans midsection. In short succession Black threw out 4 such knives and proceeded in as the last left his fingers. Swapping the blade back to his right hand he came in with a few short jabs at the midsection again, testing defenses and probing for retaliation, before the blade took a bright red hue. A lunging thrust had him cross the short distance before he dropped to one knee and slashed at Zans right knee. Even if the weapon struck, Black was already making use of his speed to spring backwards and onto his feet and be ready for a potential rush.