[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/U5L9VVo.jpg[/img] [color=ed1c24][b][i]Eli Wyn[/i][/b][/color] The Chimes? Eli didn't have a clue what Sir Shroom was talking about and his expression made that much known. A couple of important questions popped into his head: what or who were the Chimes? Why would they get eaten? What's with the little ball becoming a furry ball on his arm? A talking shroom? And did the talking shroom just call him stupid?! As the Shroom asked a question, Eli heard the sound of clattering wood. [color=ed1c24]"Are those The Chimes?[/color] He mumbled to himself as his gaze shifted from the Shroom to the girl. Back and forth. If something was coming, something enough to scare the Shroom to its roots, then to hide would indeed be the best option. Besides, Eli didn't feel a whole lot of hostility coming from the Shroom itself. Then - it appeared. In a swift motion, a shadow swept a random light and devoured it, putting an end to its glow. That in itself wasn't a nice sight, especially considering it was a... [color=ed1c24]"A freaking hollow eyed monster!"[/color] But as Eli didn't know how the food chain worked here on the surface, he for a second thought that maybe, just maybe, it was a normal occurrence and the whatever that thing was would fly away. Really really fast. As it looked directly at Eli, or at least at the glow on his shoulder, he thought it would've definitely been a good course of action to hide beforehand. Now, however, it was a tad bit too late. [color=ed1c24]"Oh no no no no, you ain't gonna eat my-"[/color] Eli tried to say, but as the thing rushed towards him, he had no other choice but to jump to the side. Far enough to avoid the outstretched claws of the monstrosity. [color=ed1c24]"Rude."[/color] Not having the time to think things through, but certainly realizing there was no real way for them to fight the monster. He didn't have any weapon on him, not even something that could've been improvised as a weapon and as far as he knew, neither did Thema. Luckily, the monster was so far focused solely on him. Or his ball at least. [color=ed1c24]"Hey,"[/color] Eli whispered to the girl, [color=ed1c24]"How about I distract this thing and you take Sir Shroom and get away from here? Unless you want to take this thing down. I'm down for that, just say the word, we... Islanders can do great things when we combine our strengths. What was the name for that? Ah, yes, synergy!"[/color] [@Pacha] [/center]