[@Wraithblade6] Khaine's instincts had not been wrong, and the mountain soon opened up to reveal a hidden passageway. Khaine did not draw his weapon, although he remained on guard. This world had seemed peaceful from the outside, but any sort of creature might live here. Mountain fortresses were a favourite, after all, among the ranks of both dwarves and giants. The giant creature shifted it's stance, balancing it's weight for a quick dodge if an arrow were to come flying out of the darkness. His blade rested within him, to be drawn forth from his essence as demanded should these creatures show hostility. But for all his experience, Khaine could not have predicted what came next. A single, tiny creature emerged from the opening. A fleshling, so small that it's head barely reached the demon's calves. It stared up at him like a lost puppy, no armour to shield it's body, no blade to strike back at it. The creature was like a testament to weakness, the avatar of the meek. A small mortal child, two graceful wings curving away from it's back, it's golden hair framing a pair of sky-blue eyes that radiated innocence. The scene drew an odd parallel, the Demon and the Angel confronted with one another. But there was an... aura, about the child. A sense of power yet untapped, potential yet unfulfilled. A powerful and innate magical talent, similar to the arcane power that suffused the Sons of Baal, but simultaneously completely alien. It was unnerving, feeling such a strange power from one so clearly weak. It took a moment before Khaine felt the need to reply. Courtesy was a trait not valued among the courts of the World Forge, and haste was all but lost among a species of immortals. "My home lies in another realm. I am simply passing through." The Dread Lord's voice was a metallic rumble, loud and powerful. If an anvil could speak, this is what it would sound like. "I travelled to this mountain to-...." On second thought, that was a rather difficult topic to explain. Even Khaine himself didn't truly understand why he had come here. Had it merely been curiosity? Frustration at his exile? Wanderlust? Regardless, he was here now. "I mean no harm to either you, nor the denizens of this fortress. Today, I come in peace."