[center][color=deepskyblue][h3]Kyuuten Rallis[/h3][/color] [@Lmpkio][/center] As Sandria brushed him off after his session of shock therapy, a black demon-esque tail unfurled from under his shirt. It was just as frazzled from the electricity as his snowy white head of hair. Kyuuten brushed and smoothed down the tail's fur as Pyrrha turned away pouting and her face red from the Golem wizard's comments about them as a couple. [color=deepskyblue]"Don't worry about her, she'll get over it."[/color] It wasn't uncommon for the pair to be teased about their closeness. Considering it was by her own magic and choice that Pyrrha was a around most of the time, it was an easy target for jokes. That aside, due to the frequency she may get flustered but she won't be upset for long. [color=fff200]"What do you guys plan to do here at the festival?"[/color] [color=deepskyblue]"The usual, have fun, hit up the food vendors, maybe shake up the ground with some of you Golems hehe~"[/color] The Celestial wizard grinned cheekily. Kyuuten may see the rivalry differently from most everyone involved, he always had to admit that a good brawl with Golem was a lot of fun. [color=deepskyblue]"Oh! I hear you guys are getting a new guilmaster. Sounds pretty exciting~"[/color]