[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] You speak as if Erotica is some sort of necessary evil, when these games are sought out precisely for the sex. [/quote] I'm not exactly sure some of the visual novels mentioned are ones you would go to for the sex specifically. In those cases the sex is like the dessert after the main course that is the story getting you there. There are eroge better suited for the erotica angle. Like if you read through G Senjou no Maou you're going to be waiting like six hours to see a glimpse of sex while if you read through Starless the sex comes fast and loose and lasts for a good half an hour at a regular clip. I'm not saying erotica is evil, especially since I'm well versed in the visual novel trade both erotic and non. I'm saying that someone seeking just the sexy bits would be better suited going for something like Space Pirate Sara or The Sagara Family or Starless because the sex is the main draw and focus. Whereas if you go through, say, Princess Waltz then you have this entire card strategy game and lengthy story about anime princesses fighting sick anime fights for the majority of it and you don't start getting the sexy bits until damn near the end of the plot. Some erotic visual novels are porn. Some are novels that have sex in them. I'm certain people exist that will read through a Kira Kira just to get to the parts at the end where the sex happens but it's way more effort for less reward than it is for a more sex focused visual novel. I prefer the ones that are more based on the story angle than the ones that are there for the sex angle, though I'm not going through the novels for the sex specifically. Like I didn't read Yume Miru Kusuri to get to the sex parts because by the time you reach the end of any route (and one in particular) I can't imagine anyone would be aroused after that journey. Not everyone who goes 'I read it for the plot' or whatever are doing it because they're afraid to admit they read hentai novels; I read them for the plot eight times out of ten.