Well, aside from the guild constantly crapping out on me, I'm pretty much here everyday. If not on my computer, then on my phone. I can do rolls when needed, though I would prefer passive rolls, at least for characters whom could be safely assumed to be able to succeed them easily. Orchid could probably climb a tree or jump over a hole with relative ease, but he'll need to roll off if he's actively looking for something or trying to knock over a boulder and some such. Another thing, which I'll admit is rather controversial, is that the GM can always roll for us. He simple needs to keep track of all the bonuses or whatever we might have attached to the associated roll, and then he can decide by his own hand how it happens. This is how some GM I know handle things like perception rolls, since by asking us to do a perception roll, we have the meta knowledge of knowing that we're suppose to be looking for something. And yes, this is what passive perception is for, but when it comes to more threatening things like an assassin aiming an arrow at you, I'm sure most players would like to have a chance to beat a 25 stealth check.