[center][hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/xYKmI37.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ZHwgmCu.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/HO6bUbq.png[/img][hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/nFeyOj3.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/cjXQw1J.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/2HCTlIl.gif[/img] [b][color=#662d91]Location;[/color][/b] Fountain → Eliana & McKenzie's dorm room → Harold & Avalon's dorm room → Samantha & Jessica's dorm room → ... → Lucas' dorm room [b][color=FFBF00]Interacting With;[/color][/b] With each other[sub]([@Lasrever])[/sub] [b][color=662d91]Mood;[/color][/b] Pure evil → Lucky → Happy → Stressed & a little frightened → Excited [b][color=#FFBF00]Mood;[/color] Confused → Enthusiastic → Nervous → Smug[/b][/center][hr] After a few minutes stood in the hallway, Keats' phone buzzed in his pocket. The smirk on his face got wider as he read Lucas' message. So, Lucas was up for screwing with Mayweather, huh? Great! Finally, something fun would happen today. Shoving a couple of guys out of the way, he headed to the fountain where he'd been asked to meet up. As he got to the fountain, he noticed the group of people stood there, nodding to them as he walked past. Part of him felt sorry for the poor girl that the Ice Queen and Gianna were going after, but it was her fault if she couldn't see through the pair of them. He barely even glanced at Bug as he sat down on the edge of the fountain, pulled out his phone and waited for Lucas to get there. Lucas managed to gather himself somewhat after a few minutes. His muscles felt somewhat sore but he knew that would be over in a few minutes. Before meeting up Keats at the fountain, he first made a quick stop at his room and stood on his bed. It was just high enough to lift the ceiling plate and reveal his stash. Lucas has been a very busy villain in the last couple of weeks. He built a sort shelf attached to the real concrete ceiling. It stood between the ceiling plats and the concrete, real ceiling. So hidden from anyone who doesn’t know its real location. The shelf wasn’t big. But it had enough. Some booze, a USB stick with some plans and some tools. He just grabbed the tools, and the stick if he lacked inspiration, and then closed his ceiling hiding place off again. He found Keats at the fountain, and smiled mischievous. Keeping tools hidden in his backpack for now. [color=662d91]“You know what the advantage is of that nice, affordable Swedish furniture?”[/color] he asked ominous. Keats grinned at his friend, standing up as he approached.[color=#FFBF00] "I mean, there's a lot of them. Flat pack, easy to assemble... You want me to make a list? 'Cause I can do that."[/color] he joked, indicating that Lucas should tell him what he was talking about. He stood up and walked a small distance away from the group at the fountain. Most of them wouldn't say anything, but they were with that powerless Mayweather girl. Keats didn't want her overhearing whatever Luke's plan was. His smirk grew bigger. Keats was smart. He already guessed it. Sort of. He showed his friend the content of his backpack. A few screwdrivers and such. [color=662d91]“They’re easy to assemble. And easy to disassemble. How about we teach those pricks of Mayweather that nowhere is safe from Delphina.”[/color] He closed his backpack again, and started walking towards the dorm room again, saying: [color=662d91]“C’mon, let's go.”[/color] He then pulled a piece of paper from his pocket. One he scribbled long ago. A list of rooms with names. And next to some rooms there was an X. He handed the piece of paper to Keats, saying:[color=662d91] “This is the list of rooms I want to hit. Got any other suggestions?”[/color] Keats raised an eyebrow as he read over the list. There were several rooms written on it, and he didn't recognize most of them. He guessed that they were probably Mayweathers, though. One room in particular stood out, so he decided to question it to Luke.[color=#FFBF00] "We're hitting room 3B? Isn't there a Delphina in there, if I'm remembering right?"[/color] not that he had a problem with hitting as many rooms as they could, but they normally stuck by their fellow Delphinas. And sometimes, his friend was a little too clever. He noticed the one shared dorm. Crap. Well, he could say that he has been having some problems with McKenzie. But that would bite him in the ass again. McKenzie and he were on OK-ground for now. And she looked like a fun girl, a prankster. He could definitely use her help in the future. So he wouldn’t want to antagonize her. Surely she would get that dismantling her bed was all just a good prank. And he’d make sure that they only hit Eliana’s closet. He remembers several of her outfits. It wouldn’t be hard to find the right one. [color=662d91]“Well, euhm, the other girl in there. She sort of has a vice on me. You know the kind. She hates me but she has to be around me. I just wanted to make very sure I have zero interest in her.”[/color] He lied. Something he was usually very gifted in. But not against his friends. Then again, telling the truth: that he got floored by the girl, twice now, would be far worse than the awkward lie. Keats wasn't completely convinced by Lucas' explanation, but decided not to press it any further. He laughed it off, patting his friend on the back. "Well, I don't think you'll have to worry about that much longer." he started walking towards the East dorm, pausing for Luke to catch up with him.[color=#FFBF00] "So, we gonna ruin some Mayweathers' days or not? Time's wasting, right?"[/color] At the end of the day, if Lucas didn't want to tell him, then he didn't have to. Keats trusted him, and besides he'd have to be crazy to throw away such a good opportunity to mess with so many Mayweathers. They reached their first room. Eliana’s room. Though he’d have to refrain from using that name. [color=662d91]“Keep an eye out.”[/color] He said, not wanting to get caught by anyone. After a quick glance left and right He summoned up his solar force and slammed the lock. There was an audible 'crack' and the door slowly opened up. [color=662d91]“Welcome, Keats, to our first victim’s room.”[/color] Lucas said, with a big smile, as he walked in. One-half of the room caught his attention. It was so damn clean. Lucas’ room was a mess. With piles of clothes and other stuff. But this room, this room was far too clean. [color=662d91]“Let’s keep it to the very clean half of the room, shall we?”[/color] Lucas suggested as he started taking off the blankets and mattress off the bed. Keats smirked as he walked up beside Lucas.[color=#FFBF00] "Hey, let me handle the blankets and stuff, alright? You can take the furniture."[/color] with his smile growing wider, he placed the palm of his hand on the blanket. After a second, it started to twist together until it formed a tightly knotted ball in the middle of the carpet. Looking incredibly smug, he walked over to the closet on that side of the room, throwing it open.[color=#FFBF00] "Hey, Luke?"[/color] he called.[color=#FFBF00] "How many clothes do you think a person needs? 'Cause I don't think they need this many."[/color] oh, this was fun. Probably really petty, and there'd be someone out for Keats' blood after this, but damn was it fun! He laughed cheerfully as he started to toss the carefully folded outfits into the middle of the floor. [color=662d91]“Eh, 3 full outfits? Maybe 4 if you're planning on formal stuff. God these people own way too much.”[/color] He had already loosened the screws on the desk chair. But didn’t take it apart. Instead, the second someone would move a little bit too much on it, the chair would collapse. He kept the screws of course. He then walked up next to Keats, admiring the closet. [color=662d91]“Make a nice artwork from it, would you?”[/color] he said with a grin, as he then started on the bed. The thing was taken apart rather fast, so Lucas decided to explore a little more. Towards one particular drawer. Planning to take it all apart too. He yanked it open. Seeing the content of it, he blushed, then laughed. He grabbed a handful of the fancy undergarments and showed it to Keats. [color=662d91]“Hey man! Looks like the girl is surprisingly naughty for a Mayweather.”[/color] He was almost in tears because he had already devised a plan for it. [color=662d91]“Do me favor, chain all this nice stuff up, so we can hang it out. God, I’d pay to see her face if she finds all that stuff hanging in their room. On display for everyone who enters.”[/color] He then turned back to the drawer, putting the pieces back into it. However, he did find something that looked even more interesting. Under the pile there was a book. He pulled it out, and observed it. It was locked, sadly. But that meant that he found something nobody was supposed to find. What kind of monster would look into this kind of drawer? Well he would. And he found it. He took a wild guess and assumed it was her journal. [color=662d91]“Jackpot.”[/color] He whispered. He put it in his backpack, and then pulled all the drawers out. So he could start dismantling that piece of furniture too. [color=662d91]“Keats. My man. This is the beginning of a something wonderful.”[/color] [color=#FFBF00]"Will do, Luke!"[/color] he grinned, starting to tie together the clothes into a display, twisting them around into a mess of color. With a smirk, he started to manipulate them more closely, twisting them until they formed the shape he wanted, then hanging up his creation on the wall above the bed. It was a small message, reading 'Courtesy of Delphina Academy'. What could he say, he was an artist! He laughed as Luke waved the undergarments at him. [color=#FFBF00] "Seems like it, huh? Someone's not such a goody-two-shoes after all!"[/color] walking over, his smile grew wider. So, Luke wanted some decorations, huh? That was something Keats could do. As Luke searched through the drawer, he went and grabbed several pieces from the drawer and started to work, hanging them up pretty much everywhere in the room. Honestly, he was pretty proud of his work here. There were even a few pieces that he'd managed to hang from the ceiling, just to give his display some extra effect. Hearing Luke's comment, he couldn't help but grin.[color=#FFBF00] "Yeah, you got that right, buddy. This is gonna be the start of something great! See how those Mayweathers act all high and mighty after this, right?"[/color] Lucas finished up. He piled all the parts in a corner. He left some screws near it. But not nearly enough of them to put it all back together. When he turned around, he saw Keats’ decoration and laughed out loud again. Nearly buckling. [color=662d91]“Keats, you’re a creative genius.”[/color] After a quick check, he decided that it was time for the next room. He did answer on Keats’ comment: [color=662d91]“Eh man, if anything, they’ll be even worse. No Mayweather will stop being all high and mighty. They will, however, act far more cautious around Delphina students from now on. But c’mon, let’s go. We still got several different rooms to go. The razing of rooms has just begun!”[/color] Lucas got out of the room, and waited until Keats got out of it too. He then took a quick picture of the result. Gianna would be proud of him. [color=662d91]“Okay, let’s go. Next up...”[/color] Lucas began to say, as he grabbed his paper again. [color=662d91]"Avalon and Harold's. Let's go."[/color] Oh, this just got better and better. Of all the people that they could mess with, those two were right at the top of the list as far as Keats was concerned. He glanced at the list.[color=#FFBF00] "Looks like their room's real close, huh? Can't wait!"[/color] he grinned. [color=#FFBF00]"If there's two people who need a kick up the ass from Delphina, it's them."[/color] Walking down the hallway, he knocked on the door with a smirk. [color=#FFBF00]"Hey, looks like no-one's in! Fancy that, huh? What a shame!"[/color] he called, sarcastically, waiting for Luke to come and break the door down. It was time for a repeat of their last performance, as far as Keats was concerned. They had a lot of rooms to get through before people started coming back. Lucas, again somewhat cautious, looked right and left, and then broke down the door. Raiding Avalon’s closet was his main goal here now. So as he began on the bed, he told Keats: [color=662d91]"God, Avalon must own a fortune in clothes. Don't be gentle with them, Keats. I want her heart to skip a beat.”[/color] The grin on Lucas’ face showed how serious, or not serious at all, he was. While Keats did his thing, Lucas kept partially dismantling furniture. Keeping a few screws. [color=662d91]“Tell me when you think you’re done, okay? Not too much decoration though. We got a lot of other rooms to do and we can’t do them half like the first one.”[/color] Realising that Luke was probably right about how much time they had, Keats decided to go straight for the closet this time, quickly leaving quite an impressive heap of knotted clothes in the middle of the room. Thinking for a second, he tied a few pieces around the remains of the furniture that Luke had dismantled, just to make it extra irritating for them to sort out. After that was done, he stood up, nodding to Luke.[color=#FFBF00] "Yeah, I think that's me done. Not as impressive as last time, but we can't still be here when they start getting back I guess."[/color] he shrugged. At least it'd still be annoying enough to ruin their evening. [color=662d91]“I hope you made some really tight knots.”[/color] Lucas joked, as he closed off their second piece of art. Of course not without taking a picture. The prospect of the following room scared him a little. Mother Hurricane was not someone to fiddle with. If she was in her room, and Keats and he came knocking, she would know something was up. [color=662d91]“Listen Keats. If you hear anything moving behind that door when you knock, you run like hell. Okay? Because I will be doing the same.”[/color] [color=#FFBF00]"Yeah, I got it."[/color] Keats muttered. Lucas definitely had a point. This was the one room he could think of where both residents could probably murder him without breaking a sweat. With a nervous grin, he knocked on the door, listening for a second before repeating the action. He didn't hear anyone moving, so he nodded to Luke.[color=#FFBF00] "I think it's safe. Go ahead."[/color] he said, preparing to run just in case he had missed something. Lucas took a deep breath. And walked up to the lock. [color=662d91]“Don’t bother making art here. Raze the place. Throw the clothes around a little. When you’re done, help me with the furniture.”[/color] He said to Keats, as he handed him a screwdriver. This time, without looking, he slammed the lock and immediately entered. Getting caught in any of the other rooms would be bad. To get caught in this room would be hell. And he doubted he’d survive it. So he immediately started working on the first bed. Working faster than ever, and obviously looking stressed. [color=#FFBF00]"Got it!"[/color] he muttered, rushing over to the closet and tossing out most of the clothes within a matter of seconds. It was a lot faster seeing as he wasn't bothering to tie them together this time. He ran over to the second bed, starting to dismantle it as quickly as he could. Admittedly, he wasn't doing the neatest work, but there was a lot of pressure, alright? His life was pretty much on the line here! Once he'd finished dismantling the bed, he called out to Luke.[color=#FFBF00] "Hey, I think that's me done, Luke! I say we go now while we still have working limbs."[/color] Lucas was just done with his bed. Setting up the mattress against the wall. [color=662d91]“You’re reading my mind, friend! Let’s get the hell out of here before we get a storm dumped on us.”[/color] With that, he dashed outside, admiring their swift disassembly of both the clothes and the beds. He had taken, again, half the screws of the bed he took apart. Once Keats was out, he took a final picture and carefully closed the door. [color=662d91]“Next one! A pair of freshmen. This is going to be easy.”[/color] He grinned. But the rooms were in the other wing. [color=662d91]“Time to run mate. I don’t want to be seen anywhere near this wing today.”[/color] And so Keats and Lucas razed 4 more rooms. The freshmen rooms ended up being far more poetic. Courtesy from Keats’ evil sense of art. The bed parts were piled in a very orderly fashion. Unlike the previous rooms. Where they were just thrown into a pile. But again, he took half the screws. Grinning like a hyena every time they finished up a room. He kept a picture of every room on his phone. And when he was done, he went over the pictures and his memories. Settling on the fact that Eliana’s room, despite only having been razed half, was the most beautiful piece of art. He wished he could see her reaction when she found her underwear on display.