[center][h1][color=ffb7c5]Minako Ikeda[/color][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/uOaV9oH.jpg[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Fountain [b][u]Interacting with;[/u][/b] Gianna Daniels [@lovely complex], Brenna Lancaster [@smarty0114] [b][u]Mood;[/u][/b]Embarrassed - Scared - Aroused - Nervous[/center] Minako jumped slightly when the other girl snarled at her, which was enough to startle her out of her mental loop. She hadn't even moved in yet, and she was already making a mess of things. Worst of all, if the expression on the first girl's face was any indication, her reaction to the connection had [u]not[/u] been a pleasant one. In fact, the more she looked at her, the more Minako was certain that her reaction was unusually strong, especially when she told her friends to leave. [color=ffb7c5][I]Oh, this isn't good, this isn't good! What happened to her? I should probably talk to her about it, but what if I just make it worse? What if she doesn't want to talk?[/I][/color] An awkward silence stretched between them, which wasn't helped by the intense way in which the girl was staring at her. Such a simple thing, and yet it was making Minako flushed and nervous. Finally, if only for a lack of any other options, she spoke up. [color=ffb7c5]"Um, I... I need to find my room. If... if you want to talk, we could do it there."[/color] Biting her lip, she bent down and grabbed her suitcases. [color=ffb7c5]"I'm really very sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen. I just... I'm very sorry."[/color] Trying to ignore the feeling of helplessness that settled over her, she hurried past the girl in what she prayed was what she remembered as the right direction. A quick glance over her shoulder told her that yes, the other girl was in fact following her. Minako wasn't sure if that made her happy or anxious, and the warmth pooling in her chest and stomach wasn't helping things in the least.