[quote=@Tulpa] Oh wow, the neighborhood's friendly troll is getting "personally attacked" again... WHAT a surprise. You seem to get into conflict a lot, even in real life. Hmm, I wonder why? Can I ask you a question? [img]http://static.planetminecraft.com/files/resource_media/screenshot/1204/AdminBanHammer_1328993.jpg[/img] P.S. You are not a nice person. No matter how many times you try to convince yourself that you are, you are not. You are, like, the [i]exact[/i] opposite of a nice person. I need to get a box of tissues for the poor little victim of cyber-bullying and personal attacks. Someone hurt their feelings. Oh, what a sad victim who's only crime was being [i]nice[/i] to people. Oh, woe is you. [img]https://www.johnsonsbaby.ca/sites/jbaby_ca/files/product-images/jbaby_ca_babypowder425g_0.jpg[/img] [/quote] johnson's baby wipes would have been a bit more luxurious , they are soft to the skin and are usually on sale.