[hider=Kit][hr][hr][center][h1][color=C6D490]Kit Parker[/color][/h1][hr][hr] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f1/6d/fc/f16dfc9f34862924e95e68dc5747e2b8.jpg[/img] [b]{[/b]"[i]In things a moderation keep; Kings ought to shear, not skin, their sheep.[/i]"[b]}[/b] -[b][i]Robert Herrick[/i][/b][/center][hr] | [color=C6D490][b]Full Name[/b][/color] | Christopher William Parker, Jr. | [color=C6D490][b]Nickname[/b][/color] | Kit. He's always gone by Kit, ever since he was a small child, primarily due to the fact that his father shared his name. He also preferred the lack of formality. | [color=C6D490][b]Birth Date[/b][/color] | 6 January 1994 | [color=C6D490][b]Age[/b][/color] | 22 | [color=C6D490][b]Relationship Status[/b][/color] | Nobody really knows. Not in a dedicated relationship, that's for sure | [color=C6D490][b]Gender[/b][/color] | Male | [color=C6D490][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] | Heterosexual | [color=C6D490][b]Profession[/b][/color] | Again, nobody is entirely sure. He was a television personality throughout his teens, though. He's been doing much more low-profile work in the last couple of years. | [color=C6D490][b]In Depth Appearance[/b][/color] | Kit has slightly tanned skin and black, messy hair. He has a serious expression on his face at most times and rarely shows emotion through his facial features. He has brown eyes, thick eyebrows and a small layer of stubble on his chin. Kit stands at a fairly average height being six foot. He has an athletic, slim frame that is usually contrasted by baggy shirts and hoodies. He usually wears dark, comfortable clothing that is often worn in the skating scene. He has several tattoos with vague meanings on his left arm forming a semi-completed sleeve. He does not have any piercings. | [color=C6D490][b]Habits | Quirks | Oddities[/b][/color] | The most obvious of Kit's quirks is his very obvious lingering habits from his addiction to drugs and cigarettes. He is often seen reaching in to his pockets or at his belt to find nothing, a subconscious habit he has developed over time. He sometimes can daydream in situations. Paces when he's nervous. | [color=C6D490][b]Hobbies[/b][/color] | Long walks (they don't have to be on the beach.) Skating. Travelling. | [color=C6D490][b]Likes[/b][/color] | [b]✓ Skateboarding.[/b] It's what made him, and he's been doing it since he was a kid. [b]✓ Outside.[/b] He enjoys the tranquillity of nature. [b]✓ True, real fans from when he was a skater.[/b] He enjoys the real fans that supported him for following the career he initially wanted. [b]✓ Dogs.[/b] Mostly his childhood dalmatian, Ramsay, who sadly passed away a few years ago. [b]✓ Travelling.[/b] He likes to see corners of the world that are different to his own. [b]✓ Family.[/b] What little connection he still has with his family, he cherishes. [b]✓ Friendship.[/b] One of the few things that keeps him going is keeping in contact with his friends. | [color=C6D490][b]Dislikes[/b][/color] | [b]✗ Paparazzi.[/b] He understands it's a living but he doesn't like having his life invaded. [b]✗ Large crowds of people.[/b] He can cope with them and he's not going to go in to panic attack or anything, but he prefers more chilled out environments. [b]✗ Fake TV fans.[/b] He was at his most famous as a TV personality, and he doesn't like the plastic fans he gained from that. [b]✗ Self-obsession.[/b] He was surrounded by it when he was all over TV. He's had enough for a life time. [b]✗ The internet.[/b] He hasn't touched Twitter or Facebook in years. He carries a old-school flip phone. All he needs is the ability to text and to call, and he's set. [b]✗ People who talk a lot of nothing.[/b] He doesn't mind talkative people if they are intelligent, as he could go hours talking to someone with a colourful mind. He can't stand hearing an idiot rabble on, though. [b]✗ Planes.[/b] He doesn't like flying. [b]✗ Modern media and television.[/b] A lot of it is bullshit, and he's been on the inside. He doesn't like that world and left it for a reason. He respects his friends that remain part of it, though. | [color=C6D490][b]Fears[/b][/color] | [b]☢ Addiciton.[/b] He has a highly addictive personality that fucked his life up in the past. He's conquered most of them now, but he knows that he is weak to falling back in to those harmful cycles. [b]☢ Flying.[/b] He doesn't like getting on aeroplanes. He'll take a much longer train journey or drive over a quick flight any day. If he has to fly, he will, but he'll spend the entire take-off and landing concentrating on staying calm. | [color=C6D490][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] | He's got a switch. Usually he's very [b]relaxed[/b] and easy to talk to, but he has a short fuse and can be very [b]confrontational[/b] and [b]unreasonable[/b] if someone pushes him. He is [b]easily manipulated[/b] and has a [b]lack of control[/b] sometimes, both factors contributing to his [b]addictive[/b] personality. At the same time he is fairly [b]friendly[/b] and [b]selfless[/b] though. | [color=C6D490][b]Personality[/b][/color] | Kit is quite a strange guy. Whilst he is reserved and fairly introverted he can be the complete opposite depending on his surroundings. When in the company of friends he is open, talkative and friendly. When in the company of strangers he is cold and unforgiving. His public image is tarnished, and he's looked down on by many, but also seen as a legend by others, mainly in the skating community. When sober, he is wise and thoughtful, but alcohol and drugs easily pollute his senses making him extremely easy to influence. He's done many things he's not proud of under the influence, which is why he tries to stay away from that side of things for the most part. Like a great deal of people who were in the spotlight as a child, Kit's a bit fucked up. He suffered many harmful addictions in his late teens that have left a lasting mark on him. Although he is now clean, he is still feeling the effects. He was raised in a very strict working-class household, meaning, until his freedom in his teens, he was quite a quiet, shy boy. When he found his way in to fame, he became much more confident and charismatic. Although he maintains the quiet side of himself, being a very good listener, he is now a much more open person, especially amongst friends. Despite this, he doesn't like huge groups and will dis-associate himself if he is in a crowd of people. | [color=C6D490][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color] | Toronto, Canada | [color=C6D490][b]Family[/b][/color] | [b]Christopher Parker, Sr.[/b] - Father (60): Currently not in contact. Alive. [b]Gillian Parker[/b] - Mother (51): Currently not in contact. Alive. [b]Danny Parker[/b] - Brother (19): Partly in contact. Currently at college. Alive. | [color=C6D490][b]History[/b][/color] | Born in Toronto, Kit was the first child of two. He lived in a working class family, his Dad being the manager of a local shop, and his mother a secretary at a doctor's office. He had a close bond with his brother Danny whilst growing up, but was under very strict watch from his parents who were very traditional in their methods. Unlike a lot of child stars, Kit was not born in to fame. He earned it. Ever since he obtained his first skateboard he knew he had a talent. By the age of 11 he was competing on the national stage, and by his early teens he was competing abroad. His father, a streetwise, business kind of man, pulled out all the stops to milk as much money off of Kit as possible. Instead of helping Kit follow his skating ambitions, he pushed him towards a life on the TV screen. Through his late teens he became one of the most known TV personalities, working as a presenter and occasional actor and model. He didn't like his work too much, but he at least enjoyed the lifestyle. As time progressed, Kit got older and saw the darker sides of fame. Drugs, sex, alcohol, partying. This became the centre of Kit's life. Kit was used to being controlled by his parent's and had little freedom throughout his youth, but as he was now an adult, he had complete freedom, and he abused it. Some of his friends also enjoyed this kind of lifestyle, but Kit went much further than any of them. Addiction controlled his life, and came close to losing his job on several occasions. His lifestyle put strain on his relationship with his family and friends who were concerned for his safety. On one occasion, when he was 20 years old, he almost lost his life to his addictions, overdosing and being rushed to hospital. Luckily, it was kept from being spread across the news and nobody other than his family and some of his closest friends learned of this. His father was disgusted, though, and completely cut off contact, advising his mother to do the same. After emerging from the hospital, Kit resigned from his job and left L.A. where he had been working for the last half-decade. He spent the next two years with limited contact with his celebrity friends and next to no contact with his family. The few people that Kit kept in contact with from his old life, he rarely saw, mostly only talking over text message. Unbeknownst to public, he had spent his time out of the spotlight in rehab fixing his addictions and trying to find himself a place in the world. Now, reconnecting with his friends he spent years with during his teens, he is re-emerging from his hiding for the first time, and he's going in to it with a positive outlook. | [color=C6D490][b]Extra[/b][/color] | Jimi Hendrix.[/hider] I've struggled on developing his personality cause I kinda want to play him out a bit first. I guess that's okay because he's a secretive sort of person.