[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=orangered]Caesar Gonzalez[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]http://media.giphy.com/media/wbomIbUs5Bc2I/giphy.gif[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] Street [b]Interacting With:[/b] Alicia, Random Neighbor [hr][hr][/center] Caesar accepted the frosty barley pop from his daughter and took a long pull from it. A lot of people considered themselves too sophisticated to slurp beer from a can; in truth the older man himself preferred his suds from a bottle or from the tap. But free beer was a wonderous gift that should never be questioned nor scoffed at, regardless of the container in which it is presented. Truly, a gift of alcohol can cement familial bonds and make strangers into fast friends. Or start a knife fight. Even money with La Familia Gonzalez. And speaking of La Familia Gonzalez, he was having just a bit of a bonding moment with Alicia, especially considering his unexpected addition to the Block Party Buffet. All the same, he did want to help out with the culinary endeavors representing the visiting soldiery of the basement apartments. Or in simpler terms, it was coming very close to Taquito Time. [color=82ca9d]"Right, they are pretty much ready. We just gotta stick them in the oven for a little bit. Didn't figure you would have a dish to bring, so I went ahead and covered for you. Looks like that was a waste of time,"[/color] [color=orangered]"Nah, M'hija. Never a waste of time. Let me drop this off in some ice and I'll get right on it, ok?"[/color] The place Alicia had pointed out was a lovely spread of tabletop pot luck. Toward one end, he found an open cooler with an array of frozen blue gel packs. Caesar shoved aside a soda or two and nestled his Engelatos into the open spot. A glance upward revealed the owners of the cooler, looking at him quizzically. He softened his face somewhat, trying not to appear as a man who would impose and/or intimidate to acquire minor conveniences. While he might have failed his attempt to appear normal, he did receive a permissive nod from one of his previously unmet neighbors. In return, he nodded back and unwrapped one of his frosty yet searing delights and presented it, as one might give over a firearm to a trusted compatriot. The intense dessert gifting completed, he returned to his M'hija without bothering to see the horrifyingly unexpected results of the uninitiated consuming his spicy sweetness. [color=orangered]"Let's get to those taquitos, then."[/color] He began walking back to Alicia's apartment, attempting to tow her along. [color=orangered]"Hey, when we're done in the oven, how about you and Cookie introduce me around a little, eh? I meet new people, sometimes things happen." "Hey, did you actually tell that guy he could park his bike in your patio?"[/color]