[quote=@Rockette] [@HushedWhispers] - Sure thing, I've been curious about one so definitely would love to see one for this role play! [@Wade Wilson] - I.. I have never had one. Am I missing out? Go for a Rockstar then, we have the classical prodigy and a Popstar (I think) going to be making a debut so balance it out.[/quote] Indeed, you're missing out. Don't worry, though - I won't pressure you into trying (yet). :lol Alright, I'll make him a rockstar. Just gotta do it in the morning since its neatly 2am now. I also agree with the idea of a relations sheet - it gives me anot her opportunity to wonder at Rockette's BBCode magic. EDIT - I don't know if it'd just me, but for some reason, the quote is broken. :/ EDITX2 - I fixed it, but I doubt it'll tag you, now. That was strange, though.