It wasn’t long after Foster suggested electromagnetic radiation that Akihito adjusted the settings to meet the suggestion. The screens displayed different colors on their maps along with a key on the side, indicating what all of the colors meant. The colors vanished as Akihito adjusted the settings to only scan for the radiation - the screens lit up like a christmas tree near the East shore of Vietnam. Osamu quickly hacked into Nathan’s computer again. The screen lit up, displaying the meeting room with the computer still facing everyone present. “Guys, I found something. On Foster’s suggestion I narrowed the scanning parameters to just electromagnetic radiation and I found a clear bee-line from below the southern point of Japan to the east shore of Vietnam.” He gave everyone a moment to take it in, then continued, “When I enhance the image and zoom in, we can see that the trail clearly leads to the shore near Da Nang, it follows the roads for a few miles to a facility where the trail goes cold. “I think we should get people on the ground and take the facility - maybe we can get them to tell us where to search next, if it isn’t there. I think that they have a container capable of hiding it’s radiological signature.” He took a brief breath, “If they do then that means that I don’t have a way to track it automatically, until I find another sort of trace it leaves behind.” “Thank you Doctor,” Walcott stood up, “I’ll have the planes prepped and I’ll see about having Colonel Evans take the facility.” With that, he left the room. “If that’s all, then I have some devices for you lot,” Dr. McCoy depressed a button on his watch and a panel on the wall opened up, he was proud of the presentation, even if no one else thought it cool. “Here are some experimental devices that need some field testing, Foster - would you mind taking some of them for a spin?” There were a few devices that resembled guns from a science fiction film. “This one causes the target's muscles to lock up, depending on where you point it - could the arm, the leg, but it is programmed to not affect the internal organs - just the muscles in the limbs.” It was a small device that could fit in a pocket, also resembling a future gun. “This next one is something that Aki and I think is just awesome.” The weapon he removed from the rack was a gauntlet, it was red. “It looks like Iron Man’s gauntlet because it’s our version of it. The upper forearm has a high-powered laser built into it - it can cut through steel surprisingly fast. The underside of the forearm has two, small, rocket launchers with three rockets each - don’t worry, they’re short ranged and don’t pack nearly enough power to knock you down. Just lean forward if you use it. It comes with a targeting system built into this visor.” McCoy handed him a visor that looked like it was lifted from Dragon Ball Z. With that, McCoy left the room to see what he could do to assist in the search.