[center][h2][color=ABB2B9]Allen Hops[/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/62/93/5f/62935f834471448313bf249ff7f87a6f.jpg[/img] [b][u]Range, dancing with untapped power.[/u][/b] [b][u]Interacting With; Carmen [@abandonedIntel]. Eliana [@lovely complex] [/u][/b] [b][u]Mood;[/u][/b]Examining ←- Bold.[/center] None were too classy for ice cream was right. Though with many a villain and hero flexing muscles at each other back at Mayweather each and every day, they had probably forgotten sugar confectionaries. Everyone was out to defend their own ego. Benny figured soon it would get fairly… divisive. When Carmen talked more about Dr. Chaos, Benny smiled about her liking the man’s company. [color=ABB2B9][b]”A friend to you is a friend to me. Are you sure he didn’t implant a mind control bug into you though? I could check for you, you know, I’m a qualified surgeon. Or maybe I’m loony too.”[/b][/color] Benny said as he pulled a scalpel tied to a series of red handkerchiefs resembling blood from his neck. [color=ABB2b9][b]”Maybe the doctor wouldn’t mind dropping in sometime? It’s so hard to get out to see people with my studies going on…”[/b][/color] Benny asked an implicit question, intending to perhaps use his power on Dr. Chaos if Carmen said he could. Benny watched the drone in the sky instead of it’s camera on the HD video, seeing color rain down after Carmen hit incredible shot after incredible shot. She aimed exactly where she needed to, and when she turned her attention to the trees he was even more impressed. Especially by the trick with the squirrel. He was glad she didn’t needlessly blow away a furry critter and pecked it’s acorn out of it’s hands with a bullet instead. It was an unbelievable show, and Carmen would be able to take down many opponents quickly with that sort of gunplay. He felt bad for whoever was going to be her enemy in the future, they were going to take a beating. And by beating, he meant they were going to take a lot of well-aimed lead. Benny gave a worried laugh when she mentioned taking hostages. It was one of the best ways to get at a hero, was to kidnap someone close to them… Luckily he wouldn’t make a mistake like dying if he did that. He would be sure his life was tied to that of his hostage, some sort of trap where the hero couldn’t get away with killing him and had to meet his demands. Though there were well over a thousand ways to die at the hands of the many heroes afoot, and Benny couldn’t concoct a plan to suit all of them… Or could he? Maybe that was something he should work on. But the future was far away for now, he could afford to be nearsighted. [color=ABB2B9][b]”I’ll be careful, you know I plan to outlive you. I have to see the day they make Dorito flavored icecream, then I’ll put a s’more made of that on your grave to feed your hungry spirit. Or whatever tradition I invent. I know I’m a culturally insensitive fuck stop looking at me like that.”[/b][/color] Benny hoped she would take that one lightly, sometimes he couldn’t tell when he was stepping on someone’s toes. Or the toes of their ancestors for that matter. Then… Benny looked at his phone. [color=ABB2B9][b]”Aha… Someone needs a big hug I think.”[/b][/color] He spoke aloud, looking at Carmen briefly as he took off his hat. She probably knew what he was about to do. [color=ABB2B9][b]”Eliana is coming over.”[/b][/color] Benny hammered out another text.[color=ABB2B9][b]”I might shoot next time, depending on where she wants to go. What do you want to do? I think we should hit somewhere scenic and kick it. We can eat anywhere right?”[/b][/color] [center]To [color=darkcyan][b]Little El[/b][/color] [color=ABB2B9][b]Come see me and Carmen, we’ll cheer you up. : ) We like u existing![/b][/color][/center] With that sent Benny set his top hat upturned on the ground and held the sides expectantly. [color=ABB2B9][b]”Only the classiest girls make an entrance from a man’s top hat.”[/b][/color] Benny said as he winked suggestively at Carmen. Then he focused his power on the opening, turning it into a passage ripped in the fabric of spacetime. Soon someone would (hopefully comfortably) emerge from it, as he set his intent upon Eliana. A soft hum started from seemingly nowhere and everywhere at once, and a breeze ruffled the landscape, churning leaves and imitating the crackling sound of a hundred newspapers being turned at once. Sensation seemed just a touch more surreal for miles away as powerful magic started to take place… Especially surreal for one Eliana Lovelace.