[center] [b][h2] [Color=lightblue]A[/color]zerus[/h2][/b] [color=00746b]“[i]Returns, Tournament~Day one,[/i]”[/color][/center][hr][IMG]http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o567/Holy-Hunter/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpsgoaj25nv.jpg[/IMG][hr] In the distance a silhouette rose up along the long dirt trodden path leading into town. With the rising morning sun behind the traveller, beating down on his back, his details were obscured in his own shadows. A large backpack towered over his head, burdened by its weight he walked with an exhausted stagger. Many people were drawn to the guild that morning but none had travelled as far or as tirelessly as he. When the guild finally fell into sight and the amassing of crowds were seen Azerus let out a relieved sigh through smiling lips. He had just made it. Closing his eyes he summons all of his remaining magic, it starts as small white flames dancing around on his skin but as he concentrates on the energy and pulls it deeper within himself it begins to flash and arc across his body like strands of lightning. His muscles now rejuvenated and bursting with magic Azerus runs with the unnatural speed of the wind, racing through the town, carrying more weight than a normal person should be able too. Bursting through the guild doors Azerus quickly unloads his distant job accomplishments and trophies (not to mention a massive guild payload) and races out side to complete the first test. He passed it with a miserable grumble and complaint, barely slowing for for the challenge at all. He looks around at the new faces sharing his insignia, 'the guild had been recruiting while he was away.' He looks for one face in particular. "[b]Moeasha![/b]" he calls out loudly over the crowds. [@RaeoftheLight]