[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Raze%0A&name=OPTILothario-Medium.ttf&size=80&style_color=04701F[/img][/center] [@Fenfeir][@AirBender] Somehow, Raze doubted that the question he received in response meant anything positive. Here he was, pouring out his greatest known weakness to her and she insults him. That was no way to treat a man who would soon rise above her! Besides, wasn't the "weakness" she gave him similar? Not that he would bring that point up, it might be a death sentence. Though to be honest, he was not always the best at analyzing himself in a negative light so the Khan might have had a point. However, she was the only person thus far who had given him reason to doubt anything about himself, so who could blame him? Aside from that one occasion, he was perfect. A day of walking ensued, until night had begun to fall and the two decided to set up their camp. Raze collected the nearest flammable bits and with little delay, they had a fire up. Such a thing was child's play to Raze (though it should be to just about anyone, really). Unfortunately, they only had a small amount of time to enjoy said fire before someone interrupted their very precious alone time. How dare they, things were going so smoothly! If I worshipped anybody aside from myself, I would thank them for the possibility of interaction they have bestowed upon me! It turned out that people who did not put up with his shit were a bit more difficult to speak with, or at least that is the conclusion he came to during the mostly wordless trip they had had so far, save the very beginning earlier in the day. Raze stood up, but so did the Khan. She made it clear she was going to address the issue, and she did so in a very hostile manner. But judging by her words, this person had been following them. Raze knew he should have noticed this, and mentally kicked himself for being too relaxed. If only he could think of a way to train his senses for something like this. The stranger played the part of an innocent hunter, even surrendering his weapon to the ground. He was obviously very suspcious, so Raze attempted to see if there were bandits or the sort attempting to surround them. Of course, in the darkness of the night, this was not the easiest thing to do, but he did not spot anybody closing in on them. He was... probably, maybe alone. A hand on his blade in case things escalated, Raze awaited his Khan's response to the man, as that was her call and not his own.