[@Scallop] [@POOHEAD189] [@Sigil] [@Morose] [@Dragoknighte] [@DizzyIsabella] [@Charnobylisk] [@Kingfisher] [@Xtreme] [@Nallore] Okay, the last couple of days with the forum having issues has brought to light a few things. So to address this and do some clarification there is being instituted some additional rules for posting requirements. Currently it states that you much post ic every 7 days, on the 8th day you are removed from the Rp. What it will be adjusted to from this point on to include the following - - There will no longer be additional time granted due to forum glitches unless the forum is [b][i]fully[/i][/b] down. A week to post is plenty of time even if the forum glitches a day or two - Collabs may not be started after your day 5 counter - If you are collabing and your partner vanishes or does not reply, you must finish the collab and post it before the timer runs out - If your collab partner vanishes you are granted temporary minimal bunnying privileges to complete the collab - If your collab partner vanishes, you need to make the Gm aware so it does not count against you The reason for these additions are for clarification and for fairness, so to keep completely impartial to all members of the rp and to keep the same expected posting standards for all so there is absolutely zero appearance of favoritism. While I understand that the forum can cause issues, it is not something so far that cannot be worked around. You can still post, it just takes patience. With the chat room you have access to the Gm's to get a message to them at anytime. (Plus we do have a backup forum to help if needed) And additionally, if you are waiting until the last day to post and the forum then messes up, well that is on you. You had a week beforehand to post. These go into effect immediately and will be permanent additions to the posting rules. I will make a World Narrative today, in which all day counters will be reset to 0, thus giving everyone a level rebeginning playing field to maintain fairness. You will have 7 days to post from the WN and then your counter will once again be based on your most recent post. Lady A~