[quote=@Shoryu] 'i'll' be honest... I've never gotten to play blood-borne 'nor' do I know who Aldrich is XD... unless he's a dark souls thing I missed somewhere... and I always thought that Dark souls lore was rather 'enigmatic' and 'unexplained' officially... at least, that was the feeling I got last time I seriously looked into it, like they designed the lore to inspire speculation and imagination on the parts of the players. [/quote] [url=http://darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Aldrich,+Devourer+of+Gods]Aldrich, The Devourer of Gods[/url] is basically a boss and a Lord of Cinder in Dark Souls 3 who 'devoured' the Gods (Gwyndolin is the only the confirmed one, but many people speculate he consumed more) And basically absorbed their powers. (which, he did through cannibalism, by the way, so I would imagine if your character did something similar he'd have to do it as well to make sense lore-wise) [quote=@Shoryu] It's mostly designed to explore a conceptualized philosophical approach to being undead. [Which to my knowledge is something dark souls tried to inspire, making the players imagine all the 'what ifs' because it never truly explained anything with surety itself.] I mean, I can put him down as a normal undead and just roll with his 'quirky ideals', I actually only included the absorption idea because it kindof fit with his Philosophical theme of replacing 'his' old with a new 'him', in a way, which made since that it could be influenced by something he might be replacing it 'with'. [/quote] I think that's the beauty of the Dark Souls universe, honestly, that it never fully explains what it is. Because then, everyone can come up with their own ideas and theories and as you said, philosophies. That said, there is pretty much the option for 'Undead are actually just the true form of humanity' hinted at multiple times through the games. In dark souls 1 the ending where you decide not to Link the first flame. So, to further say I just don't think the abilities your guys have make sense lore wise, unless he was similar to Aldrich. Which is a huge 'no' from me, since he's well...a Boss. Also, not undead, and in fact an enemy from the Abyss, I believe. Basically, I just don't see any feasible way for this to work in the setting of Dark Souls established setting.