The Pit is a tomb for the wicked and innocent alike. One where no man leaves without the permission of the Warden- Oliver Twist. The underground miner's prison is dark, damp, and unkempt. The walls of each cell are decrepit and suffocating, and the smell from the makeshift privy in each cell only made the encroaching environment seem ever-more miserable. Underground roots slithered through cracks and hung from the stone architecture- a constant battle between man and nature. Guards walked the halls, weapons constantly at the ready. They peered into each cell quickly before moving on down the long corridors. The occasional aperture in the roofing teased the inmates with glimpses of the outside world. Light was a rarity in the depths of the Pit. The echoes of clanging steel against iron ore rang through every chamber. Through the cells and the mess hall; all the way into the Warden's office. The occasional scream of pain mixed with metal drumming. The mines often created a slight smog throughout the prison, and filled the air with an exhausting, nauseating aroma. Many of the guards wore rags over their mouths to keep them from breathing in the fumes and smells. The heroes of our story have found themselves within this prison. The will of Rao? Or perhaps a curse from Incabulos. Whatever the case, this tale begins here...choked in darkness and metallic. This tale is one of owls and wolves.