Huh, had no idea they were planning a boss to do anything even similar to this idea when I came up with it. I started this idea I think a year ago in a different dark souls RP way before DS 3 was done yet XD On a side note, I don't actually picture 'most' of the bosses as so OP, given that we kindof kick their asses... a LOT!... but no, I would not like to copy the abilities of a 'god devouring boss' because that screams mary sue-fest right there. From my point of view it's an entirely different thing though, one 'eats the gods to gain their powers' and the other simply follows a philosophy of 'letting' the old fade, perhaps recreating some elements that might be key to staying 'him', but always replacing old with new over-time. Even if he did somehow do something like Aldrich, it would fade over time as everything about him does, not to mention that absorbing a boss soul and gaining a 'larger advantage' from it, is still designed, at least in my head, to pale in comparison to actually 'being a boss'. That said, in 'RP' I would not picture bosses the same way as in the game. In a way, we're all on the same level as bosses [save for the 'giant monster/god slayer/eater/inherently over-powered bosses] in that from an RP perspective you're not whittling away at a health bar, but just trying to break them successfully. Like Ornstein for instance, We wouldn't need to 'beat the fuck out of him' to win like in the game, he seemed more like a nimble but dangerous style, so it'd likely be more about managing to get in 'that good hit' that manages to turn the tide... I hope that makes sense XD But again, I 'can' normalize him and just keep the philosophical angle but throw out the absorption side of it :P just means some things will have to have been 'made' rather than 'formed'... Also, sorry if this is long-winded, I actually rather like debate, especially when it's a mature debate with someone who's actually thinking instead of screaming obscenities and slurs [curse those youtube feminists] Hmmm, what about 'this' perspective? All undead, every player, every NPC [i think?], absorbs souls to get stronger and sortof maintain their mental integrity [neverminding the theme of those who try 'too hard' often being the ones who go insane first.], the idea here basically translates to the same thing, Asta absorbs souls to get stronger too, just in a different way rather than just boosting stats with soul reserves, and a way where the only permanent strength he can gain has to come from either powerful souls or from an abundance of similar enemies.