Ellis Braddock leaned against the wall of a small shop, puffing on a cigar. He was standing on the boardwalk in the shade of an awning. He wore a dusty black business suit with a black bow-tie and a bowler hat. He had a bushy beard and mustache that largely covered the bow-tie and his face bore its usual sour expression. Beside him sat a small wooden box. He was trying to enjoy the weather, hot as it may be. He listened to the pastor's sermon through an open window in the Church next door. He took the cigar out of his mouth and spit on the boards by his feet. Already there were many spit stains on the boards in front of him. He puffed again on his cigar. The pastor was talking about the Ten Commandments. Now he was talking about the sin of murder. Ellis frowned slightly and pulled himself away from the spot he had settled in. He picked up the wooden box and walked slowly down the boards, puffing and spitting as he went. He left the church behind him as he made his way slowly to the saloon. Two ladies passed him and he tipped his hat. He pulled the cigar out of his mouth and had a short fit of coughing, followed by spitting and cussing. Then he continued on his way. As he approached the saloon, he saw a black man riding up on a horse. As the man approached the door, Ellis nodded to him, without easing his sour expression. [b]"Excuse me Sir,"[/b] he spoke with a voice that had no noticeable accent. [b]"Would you be interested in purchasing a cee-gar? Perhaps some tobacco?"[/b] Ellis took the cigar out of his mouth and spit.