[@Dark Light] Player vs player combat would work similar to combat in other RPs. You describe your fight, and spend points for attacking or defending. If Average Joe wanted to make sure his punch was too fast to dodge at normal speed, he could spend an AGILITY point. The defender would have to use BRAWN to block it, AGILITY to dodge it, or a special ability to avoid it somehow. If you roleplay your fight well enough, you may get them to have to spend points without spending any of yours. I will also be acting as a referee for these fights, determining the sucess or failure of a character's attemt to hit or dodge. I'm operating under the assumption that nobody is just going to take a hit, so the physical damage would be affecting the BRAWN if the boulder were to be blocked. In the interest of not killing people in one hit, everything will only ever take up one point, except for extreme circumstances which I will warn of.