[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Avalon%20Middleton&name=Sweetly%20Broken.ttf&size=75&style_color=3EE077[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5dy8xB1xL1qde9gao1_500.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Avalon and Harold's Dorm -> Keats' and Will's Dorm [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Keats [@Lasrever] [b][u]Mood;[/u][/b] Happy -> Furious -> Vengeful[/center] [hr] Avalon thought nothing could bring her good mood down, as she strutted down the path towards her dorm, shopping bags in hand, smiling all the way. It didn't help that the freshmen boys turned and stared as she passed, obviously infatuated. As much as Avalon loved clothes, she loved attention more. But as she opened her dorm room door with her one free hand, her grin feel. Her room had been torn apart, her clothes were strewn about into tightly knotted balls. She threw the bags down and let out a shriek of anger, drawing a few people out of their rooms to investigate, people who soon backed away when they saw the mess. [i][b][color=springgreen]There was only one person who could fuck up my clothes like that[/color][/b][/i] she thought, scanning the mess. Keats. She'd met him only a few times, but she knew his powers well enough, and this had him written all over it. She took a breath and a moment to charge up her powers, walking over to the radio she and Harold shared. She placed her hand on it and felt as energy continuously flowed into her, until she felt like she had enough to scare the shit out of Keats. She then turned around with a hair flip and marched down to Keats' dorm with murder on her mind. When she reached the door to Keats' and Will's room, she slammed it open, to see Keats inside. She looked him dead in the eyes and began her verbal onslaught. [color=springgreen][b]"You lousy skeez! I know what you did to my room you slimy little weasel! I swear to god if you don't fix it, I will shock you into the next century!"[/b][/color] she shrieked, fury dancing in her eyes and electricity dancing across her fingertips. Avalon Middleton was not a woman to be scorned.