[quote=@Ryonara] Name: Zarya Vadzym Age: 18 Gender: Female Physical Apperance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/ZQ80jY9.jpg[/img] Backstory: Zarya is the daughter of a minor Veigar nobleman. Her father was merely a warrior of little renown but great skill, and earned his nobility through knighthood. She spent her early years as a mere page, assorting books and items for other nobles. Later when she was but a young woman, her father had her become a lady-in-waiting, serving the wife of Boyar Belgaru, Lady Tejina. Around her 18th birthday, Zarya's father was suddenly captured and executed for treason. There was very little trial and no one told Zarya what exactly her father did. All she knew was that before he was captured, he and a few other knights were sent to the Kingdom of the Nords. After her father's execution, Zarya left the service of Lady Tejina, loss with the sudden death of her father. She has been wandering the countryside since, trying to figure out what to do with herself now that her own family name had been dishonored. Growing up, Zarya had been taught mostly womanly things, such as literature and horse-back riding. Her father did allow her some amount of martial training however, such as archery. That being said, she's never actually fought before. While she's capable of hitting a target with an arrow, she's never killed a man and hasn't even gone hunting before. However Zarya's true skill lies in her knowledge of medicine and and wordplay. She has been taught how to treat wounds, from a simple paper cut to severed limbs. She also has a way with words and an indomitable charisma, often using her charms to get her way, or somehow exerting a very dominating presence, even for a rather petite girl. Personality: Zarya has been described as quiet, and there is some truth in it. Zarya doesn't often look for trouble so she keeps to herself, but at the same time she's quiet like a hunter: you'll never see her coming. Like a hunter, Zarya can be crafty, but also brutally efficient. She won't hesitate to cut someone off, either figuratively or literally, if it's what is best. That being said Zarya tends to be rather submissive and doesn't like taking charge, and generally only speaks out to stop a problem, not offer a solution. Equipment: Weapons - Bastard Sword (Belonged to her father) Short Bow (Large bag of barbed arrows) Armor - Sturdy Woolen Dress Leather Boots Misc - Spirited Courser On the Art of Fighting with Swords [/quote]