[h2]Saber[/h2] Saber opened her mouth. Then shut it. Then opened it again... and then shut it. Oh, there were so many different pastries... many of which she had not previously seen before. They had not yet had a chance to visit any sort of shop that sold this array of pastries back in her home universe. She would very much have liked to, however, if this was any indication. The shopkeeper's question was proving a rather unmanageable one for the blonde girl. Exactly how should she narrow it down? Before she could manage a response, she realized Shotaro had questioned her armor. "Ah... I suppose it is not, currently," Saber replied. After all, there was no combat here and no-one would have been particularly shocked in such a world if she changed her clothing... there was a flash of light as prana dissipated off her body, allowing her previous outfit to reform. It was a blue skirt and white shirt, an outfit Rin had given her when she first required modern clothing. Conveniently, her change of clothing allowed her to make her answer to the shopkeeper, as well. "All of it." Even if she couldn't buy it all, she sure was interested in it all. [hr] [h2]Goldibanne, the Face of Innocence(?)[/h2] Oh, he'd been shot. How quaint. Goldibanne had seen vastly worse before. And caused vastly worse not that long ago. The animate dead and skinless things she had killed were in a much more... deconstructed state then a simple hole in this guy's back. He'd been acting like an idiot and it clearly didn't bother him, so there wasn't exactly a reason to care, now, was there? Instead, the living doll cheerfully skipped and twirled along. They had a job to do, after all. They couldn't simply leave these people to fend for themselves even if this wasn't the task they had been assigned anyway. "Fufufu~" she gave a little giggle, "Isn't this better then being all threatening and standoffish? Goldibanne certainly thinks so~"