Laira sat in on the edge of a cliff, her eye's following the crashing of the waves into the white stones of the coast. It surly was a deep fall down these chalk clifs that had survived the relentless attack of the sea for centuries. Her feet dangled off the edge swinging them slightly with the motion of the sea. Laira's green eye's gazed down pulled into the dark grey water with foam riding the waves. For one reason she felt pulled towards the cold seawater. Another part of her just screamed to stay away from the deadly stinging waves that were sure to swallow her. With a sigh she pulled back her disire to jump off the cliff and into the water and stood up. Just before she walked away she caught a glimps of green hair within the water. A Merrow woman. This Merrow was draggin the body of a lifeless young man towards the shore, only taking his soul with her. Once the body was close enough to the shoreline the merrow let go of him and pushed him towards the light sand, letting the current take him towards the land. The Merrow quickly made her way intot he water again only to resurface again and turn her head towards Laira. [color=82ca9d]''A ship has sunken''[/color] Laira said out loud as the Merrow continued to look at her. She slowly raised her hand to greet the Merrow, only to see her dive into the waves again. [color=82ca9d]''why show yourself to me?''[/color] Laira quistioned herself out loud. She knew about Fae, her first love turned out to be one. He had left two years ago, taking her heart and her name with him. [color=8493ca][i]''Come and find me where the kelpie dance free and the stones stand frozen in time''[/i][/color] was the only clue she had gotten from him before he left. Fae have always been around but they seemed to show themselfs a wee bit to much around Laira. She had always found it weird that she saw them so much even though she was a human. Laira sighed again and adjusted her gloves, turned around and walked back to the village. On her way towards her home she passed the orphanage she had grown up in. Right now they were all asleep as the sun was already setting. She quickly walked through the village making her way unseen throught the shadows of buildings. There were already rumours floating around about her, she did not wanted to make them worse. Her home was what you called a little cottage on the outskirts of town, standing in the shadow of an old three and some rocks with stange celtic symbols on them. They were probably left by the humans who lived here before the sassenach came to live here. Her rust red hair and green eyes were the only heiritage she had gotten from them. Her family tree being scottish her upbringing english. As Laira opend her door an iron cross greeted her at the dooropening. It has done so many times, but she had always found the cross very repelling and would love to take it off. She never had the courage to touch it for some reason. Once she was inside she boiled some water in a copper teakettle and enjoyed the sweet taste of it before turning in for the night as well. [@LadyRunic ]