oh my, much to read :D lesse, in order... It's not so much changing how souls work, as it is changing how 'he' interacts with them, and I suppose in the same way how it changes the effect they have on 'him'. It's not impossible to say he 'is' something else as well, given the theme of 'change' with him with the whole 'replacing things that fade away' element, he practically 'has' become something different. No 'god eater' mind you, but... something I never really bothered to 'name' different because it's just easier to say he's a different kind of undead :P The whole premise assumes that, as undead in the souls universe, things are fading away from them, memories, souls, personality, at least this has been my observation with all of the NPCs who have actual stories, each one slowly loses a bit more as time goes on, and it seems as though you're the only one who doesn't... then again, 'the chosen one' isn't 'us' and they don't seem to have anything defined to lose but souls. If we included this mechanic, then ironically, she might be similar in her own way, but if she doesn't go about it the same way he does, or does so in a way that simply replaces 'her' with more of 'herself' then she'd practically still be just undead, if one quite capable of not going hollow. This is of course assuming that his philosophy is the same as hers and vice-verse, which it might 'not' be. I wouldn't personally describe it as a 'keep moving forward' philosophy, so much as a differing philosophical view on undeadening/hollowing, things like that. He actively replaces what is naturally fading away from him with new experiences, new souls, and so on, welcoming the 'change' rather than struggling to hold on to what 'is/was/isn't anymore'. ... And yes, it's much too common that people resort to screaming and insulting, especially in the modern age when raving lunatics are free to verbally assault you and call disagreeing with them a hate crime or 'internet violence'... But oh god, I'm not going to get political up in 'here', I rather leave that bit of entertaining rigamarole to youtube! And you're both right, it would be cool to have in a game, good luck there XD The RP version generally depends on 'me' to utilize it in a fair and balanced manner that doesn't break the flow for other players, and probably anyone else feeling free to call me a shit if I go over-board with it :3... ... I'll admit, it's also a cool way to experiment with gains/losses depending on what he fights a lot of, or when he chooses to avoid fighting something because it might be 'unhealthy' for him in some way... Technically, I could also do the same if I were to replace his absorption gimmick with a skillset in Soul forging, so he can deliberately store up and refine those effects/armors/weapons [not unlike his role in a previous RP would have 'been'], which would take longer ontop of the other balancing factors, as well as utilizing other limiting factors, like having to deliberately replace something he's got equipped/attuned already. Also @darketernity, I suggest starting sooner than later XD if we've got a few lively people interested in wrecking face, all the better. I'd say bump the Interest check and kick off the IC once the currently active are done with their CSes :D. ... I guess that means me, since everyone else is done it seems. XD As for combat, I'm also for a lot of combat. 'too much' would be 'almost all combat and nothing else' XD I enjoy a healthy balance of exploration, fighting, interaction, and so on :3 I also enjoy base building, settlement/kingdom management, and things like that >3> We could totally pick a spot to use as a 'home base' for us to have less combaty times in XD