[hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/UnTCbEi.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/93255b949dbe9429131471d1c906a2b1/tumblr_mhsshdOvoU1qgvk23o3_r1_400.gif[/img] [b][color=darkcyan]Location;[/color][/b] Subway [color=darkcyan]→[/color] Firing Range? [b][color=darkcyan]Interacting With;[/color][/b] Benny & Carmen [sub]([@Hippocamp] [@abandonedIntel])[/sub] [b][color=darkcyan]Mood;[/color][/b] Relaxed [color=darkcyan]→[/color] Really, Benny? [color=darkcyan]→[/color] Intrigued. [url=http://i00.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/879321516_1/The-sale-2013-brand-new-knee-length-tunic-ruffle-summer-casual-cute-novelty-lace-white-chiffon.jpg]Outfit[/url][/center][hr][indent] Holding a [url=http://st.hzcdn.com/simgs/730170b60f63f3f8_3-0041/traditional-makeup-mirrors.jpg]floral etched purse mirror[/url], Eliana used the napkins she had in her bag to clean up the spider blood and guts off her chin. She had totally forgotten about the mess that was on her face up until the boomboxing kid pointed it out. Not being on campus, anywhere near an imbecile that shared the same first name as her father, truly helped her nerves find inner peace. The next hour or two was going to be great, just her, nature, and the occasional tourists passing by. Leaning her head back on the subway window, Eliana closed her eyes and let her tired self rest for a moment or two. Her phone was in her purse, which meant she didn't feel it vibrate, especially since she was zoned out. Her mind was focused on the girl singing a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiqAiWGdZGA]modern pop song[/url]. These two definitely enjoyed their youth, something Ellie didn't quite do herself. Her chartreuse green orbs flickered open when she felt a sensation she knew all too well. [color=darkcyan][i]God dammit, Benny[/i][/color]. Standing up as the train slowly went to a halt, she resisted the pull until she could get off the train - a minute? Maybe? How many times has he done this to her before? Usually it's for lunch, but now it's probably because he's genuinely concerned for her. So much for a day to herself. Placing her mirror inside her purse and putting her bag over her shoulder, she sighed to herself as she waited for the doors to slide open. When the doors swung open in front of her, she turned to the kids that made her subway ride worth the travel, "[color=darkcyan]You two should consider pursuing a music career. You're fairly talented.[/color]" After the compliment was given, she gave into this obscure magic as she stepped out of the train - vanishing in thin air when she touched the platform. Cue the nightmare. Good thing she could handle weird shit like this. Perks of having the power to enter people's subconscious. Yay, dream world! Yet, this time was slightly different. Perhaps, he was miles away from her, which she wouldn't doubt. Today was their first day of vacation. Surely, he would be enjoying himself. Her head was fuzzy when she reached the destination. Ellie's mind was stunned for an instant, as she absentmindedly got herself out of this... nil space. When she was out of the hat and observing her surroundings, blinking a couple of times to comprehend where she was, everything felt so... surreal. She couldn't even think about Benny who was behind her or Carmen, who was watching the spectacle. Both her hair and skirt danced with the breeze, while her gaze watched the leaves move around her. Her mind was gradually registering the world and her body was slowly gaining feeling once more. When she finally was able to move and speak, she immediately turned to the culprit, crossing her arms in annoyance, "[color=darkcyan]You know, I'm fine.[/color]" She paused and let their eyes lock, "[color=darkcyan]And seriously, when are you going to plan a normal hangout where we meet somewhere rather than you treat me like your own personal rabbit?[/color]" After she said that, with obvious sass, she noticed Carmen and the shooting range. Acknowledging Carmen with a nod, not embarrassed at all from what had just happened, the brunette walked passed them and observed how run down this place was. There were beer cans, shells from guns of sorts (She was not knowledgeable in things like this), a wooden table, a barrel, metal targets, and mannequins. Although the range looked worn and torn, there was rhyme and reason behind the set up. Ellie had a hunch this place meant a lot to someone (or a collective of people). "[color=darkcyan]... well, I'm not dressed appropriately for this at all.[/color]" Never has Ellie shot a gun and never has she been to a range before. This was a first. The closest thing to a place where 'shooting' happens that she's been to was and still is the Control Room. Her interest was written all over her face as her big, deep green eyes gained curiosity for something she was never given the chance to try. If she had to point out a place that she spends ungodly amounts of time at, it would be the library. What a nerd, right? Turning her head to look back at the two, she kindly asked, "[color=darkcyan]Mind if I shoot something? I'd need a little lesson and I hope you don't mind what I'm wearing... But I'd love to know how it feels.[/color]" [/indent]