Name:[color=00aeef] Maren Matthews[/color] Nickname:[color=00aeef] Mare[/color] Age: [color=00aeef]looks 22[/color] Type: [color=00aeef]Witch[/color] Affiliation: [color=00aeef]supernatural who fights[/color] Appearance: [hider=Maren][img][/img][/hider] Personality: [color=00aeef]Maren is a bit of a wildcard. She loves her magical powers and she loves to use them. She has always been open about her powers. Mostly because they scare people and she feels safe because she doesn't need to use them. She loves animals, nature, men and strawberries. She is kindhearted. She can be quite aggressive to anyone who tries to hurt her or those she loves.[/color] History: [color=00aeef]When Maren was a a small child she saw the leader of her mother's coven get kidnapped by the scientists and she also saw the same thing happen to each witch in the coven over the years. None of them ever returned. When they took her mom Maren had just come into her powers so they weren't strong enough to take the scientists on. Maren has been waiting for the day that they might try to take her and her powers. She is all set and is fine with it being an all or nothing fight. She might be hard to stop when she gets started. She is hoping they will come looking for her.[/color] Abilities: 1.[color=00aeef]Molecular Speed Manipulation-The user can control the speed of which molecules travel. They can accelerate molecules, decelerate molecules and even halt or displace molecules altogether (phasing). Advanced users can speed up molecules until they combust, slow down molecules until they lose energy, stop them completely, or revert them to an earlier state.[/color] [color=00aeef][color=fff200]Applications[/color][/color] [color=00aeef]Molecular Acceleration-speed up Molecular Combustion-explosion Molecular Deceleration-slow down like slo motion Molecular Immobilization-stopping the molecules of something in motion so that it completely stops moving. Molecular Inhibition-lowering the temperature of molecules so that something freezes to ice. Molecular Reversion[/color][color=00aeef]-can revert any object or person back to its original form that has been tampered with by another Molecular Ability. Molecular Oscillation-The user can vibrate the molecules of living (including themselves) and non-living matter at high speed, enabling them to pass through or harden other molecules.(Phasing)[/color] [url][/url] 2.[color=00aeef]Molecular Teleportation-can disperse molecules of an object or one's self and move them somewhere else.[/color] Weakness/weaknesses:[color=00aeef] Her body is human and is able to be hurt just like other people. She needs to use her hands unless she is phasing or teleporting those are mental only.[/color] Other: [color=00aeef]Hates liars. Loves the rain, water is her elemental sign. Loves her powers. [/color]