YAAAAY! Three cheers for [@Sumable]! XD Sorry I took so long to get back here, been busy and stressed myself. >.< Well, onto GM business. [hr] [@UnknownScarlet4] Alright... Scarlet. I have two pieces of advice for you. One: Next time you post, consider the RP surroundings. Did you really think that there weren't going to be obstacles for Red and the rest of the Underground Group in the Ruins, Waterfall, and Snowdin (and other people to interact with)? I have obstacles and bosses planned, and Red bypassing them like they were nothing just undermined them. This was why I wanted to discuss Red's Intro with you: So we could avoid this situation. Two: Consequences are a thing in this RP, just as much as it is in the game. Therefore, Red will face consequences of her own in my next IC post. This is a fair warning. [hr] On the bright side... [@KaiserElectric] Considering Scarlet's post, we'll be introducing your NPC earlier than expected. ^_^ (Zvarri! XD) And [@Akayaofthemoon] This idea just came to me, but what do you think of having Flowey mock characters for IC editing? Just like he mocks players for loading in order to save Toriel from being killed... [hr] Other than that, I shall count off who is left to post for this round: [@Akayaofthemoon] [@Major Ursa] Just like before: If you guys feel like you can't post for any reason, please let us know, and we'll skip you for this round. ^_^