[quote=@Dark Eternity] As for the size of the group and such, what do you think should we go on: Start IC soon or wait for a few more jolly cooperationists? I was thinking of posting soon, maybe Saturday. [/quote] Oops. Missed this. As for when to start, I think it'd be a good idea to go ahead and start. We can always add more people later, if they want to join in jolly undead slaying co-operation. [@Shoryu] Honestly, from the way you've explained things, I think it could be somewhat feasible. After all, a lot of Dark Souls lore is left up to interpretation for the individual player, and you don't strike me as someone who would make the character overpowered. So...I guess I have no strong opinion one way or another. I'll leave it up to the GM's and others to decide if they want it.