Victor was furious... well to be fair Victor was always furious to some extent, it was sort of his resting emotion. Cut down amidst the muck of a peat bog and skewerered by peasants?! That was how the Blood Knight Victor Guttman met his end?! Oh no, somehow he was still breathing... well vampires didn't really breather per-say but he was still up and walking around. His armour even seemed mended and his weapons had been at his side when he awoke. The dark red armor was shrouded by the darkness of these caverns, his lance was slung over his shoulder and held rather nonchalantly by the Vampiric Knight. The Darkness was not a problem for him ans he grumbled and growled to himself as the heavy footfalls of his plate armour marked his forward momentum. Why couldn't his horse, which had sunk into the bog [i]first[/i] be here waiting for him? That skeletal Nightmare would really have sped things up... though he supposed he didn't really know where was going anyways so speed hardly helped. Victor decided ambling about in an ancient cavern with no apparent path that he knew nothing about was not the best idea. So, he set a goal for himself, attain food. All he needed to do was find a human, or at least human like entity, he thought he could overpower and drain it dry... of course as he thought about this the idea of being alone in this winding cavern [i]and[/i] with no way to replenish the blood he needed was a recipe for disaster. So, he decided he would [i]not[/i] attempt to drain who or whatever he first met in these caverns. Besides, how much time did he have before the lack of blood would start to affect him? Days? Weeks? Months? Years even? Honestly he had no idea, above ground it wasn't hard to drink in the midst of battle, or pick up some peasant on ones way through a town or any number of other things... it was actually rather easy. The longest he'd ever gone without slaking his thirst was about two weeks above ground during a siege. It had made him extremely irritable, and he had just begun feeling 'sick' for lack of a better word. Unfourtanetly he had no idea how long he may have been unconcious before he woke up in this cave system... though he was certainly irritable... he would have to find someone to drink from soon... he lamented his current situation, until he caugth sight of a fireglow in the distance. In spite of his heavy armor the Vampire could maintain a relative amount of stealth if he tried hard enough, and his superior Night vision spotted the small fire burning a fair distance away. At the very edge he spotted two rather small being, one appeared to be a squat female of... some kind of creature, and the other seemed to be an amalgamation of man and animal, lither and small with antlers on their head and large ears. Perhaps this was the answer... if he could find a small, weak creature he could turn them into a renewable blood producer, assuming he could overpower one of them... but that would come later. First he needed to engratiate himself to these new 'allies'. Stealthily he approached the two figures, before finally clanking up behind them in his armour, all but his eyes obscured by the great bat winnged helm he wore. He looked down at the two smaller being, and introduced himself as smoothly as he could, "Hello, little ones. I am... Victor, a fellow traveler. Might wither of you be able to tell me where I am? I fell asleep elsewhere in the world and woke up here... a very strange occurrence no?", he eyed them the way a predator would prey, sizing them up, comparing them to himself and eachother, attempting to pick out an Alpha and beta and gauge their possible strengths... if they had been able to see his expression they would witness his truly terrible predatory smile.