It's definitely starting off with that PotC vibe, but everyone seems to be meshing with that nicely. I'll reel it into a more serious tone once the plot gets rolling. Speaking of which, here's the plan for what I'd like to see happen next: [indent]- Once we take care of the vorcha, a few of Aria's guards are going to appear from Afterlife and tell Declan that she wants to see him immediately. Declan will break off from the group at that point, but instruct Trish to lead the team to Vol (once Zik([@Howler]) reveals his knowledge of who is behind the welcome wagon). - While the gang is going to confront Vol (whether there is going to be some more action involved, or if everyone's presence on his doorstep alone is enough to make him surrender is up to [@Culluket]), I'll jump between Trish's perspective and Declan's perspective. At this point, she's basically a second primary character for me. Declan will be making a deal with Aria, a major favor for her in exchange for giving the Dasher's a ship and a helmsman. - Once Vol is back on board with the crew, everyone will rendezvous at the new ship and we'll be off, closing out the beginning "chapter" of our epic tale of shenanigans.[/indent] I've already got all of the conversation between Declan and Aria written out. We just need to get to the point to reveal all of that. The post will definitely be a bit lengthy (as I'll include a Trish-portion for whatever's going on with the group), but that's only to push the plot forward enough to prevent us from falling in that notorious hole of absent-minded RP introductions that can easily nose-dive this into the ground. :P