[hider=Human CS] [u][b]Name:Adam Dagon[/b][/u] [u][b]Nickname: Atlas[/b][/u] [u][b]Age:21[/b][/u] [u][b]Gender:Male[/b][/u] [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] Adam is 6'1", with pale skin, messy blonde hair, and hazel eyes. He could be considered attractive, but has a small scar under his right eye. Slightly muscular, and could blend into a crowd [u][b]Ethnicity:[/b][/u]Caucasian [b]Usual attire:[/b] Adam deals with the...shadier aspects of Grim City, but that doesn't mean he can't dress in style. He wears a dirty pinstripe suit, a tattered black trench coat, and black boots. [b][u]Relations:[/u][/b] Adam doesn't discriminate. He doesn't care if you're Reaper or human, you need to get your payment in on time. [u][b]Physical strength:[/b][/u] 5, Adam is best suited for stealth, taking people out from behind. He tries to keep a low profile, and open combat is not his strong suit. He is very quick, which is, again, good for stealth. [u][b]Mental strength:[/b][/u] 8, due to an interest in psychology before he turned to a life of..well, crime isn't the best word, but his current life, so he has decent mental strength [u][b]Special ability:[/b][/u] [i]Masked Man[/i]: Can completely obscure his face from any point of view for 10 minute periods. It takes 10 minutes to recharge. [i]Cloaked Blade[/i]: Can be completely silent whole moving, if he concentrates. [u][b]Outward personality:[/b][/u] Adam is extremely spiteful, with little to no regard as to who you are, and why he should care. He seems very self centered, with sharp wit and a sharper glare [u][b]Inward personality:[/b][/u] Adam cares for those in need, due to his upbringing. He knows that life is unfair, and will do his best to help those around him. [u][b]Bio:[/b][/u] Adam was born in Grim City, and hasn't left. He was brought up by his single mother, as his father was killed due to owing the mob debts. His life was quiet, and he wasn't bullied as a child. Soon enough, the dark underbelly of the city caught up with him. He came home one day to find his mother brutally murdered, with an obviously fraudulent suicide note. The police believed this, so Adam took it upon himself to deliver justice. Using connections, he tracked down the killer and shoved him into moving traffic. From then, it was a downward spiral into crime, stealing and buying rare items, and selling them to others. He has quite a reputation around the more underground aspects of Rosen, with some sayiing he swindled the Devil. Nevertheless, he continues on his reign of slightly criminal activity to this day. [u][b]Occupation:[/b][/u] Dealer of rare and exotic materials (wink) [u][b]Borough:[/b][/u] Rosen [u][b]Hobbies and interests:[/b][/u] Is interested in psychology, and the science behind Reapers. He has never had time to pursue the latter, due to his busy, busy life. [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] Can play the piano [u][b]Theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7GroZ60UYc[/b][/u] [/hider] i couldn't find a picture, so sorry about that. I hope he's up to par and such