[b]For Sachiko[/b] The situation had been considered. The Box Animal had been prioritized as the primary threat. However, flying up has been rendered ineffective by the animal's attack vector. Likewise, controlled descent had been countered by the downward attack of Sachiko Kanno. That left only one available tactic: It turned off its jets and let physics do the rest of the work. While the impact would assuredly damage its thrusters, that would be far more acceptable than immediate defeat. With a thud, some dust, and the sound of metal warping, the mosca landed on the ground and began turning to face Sachiko. [b]For Yoshi and Rei[/b] The two targets avoided the head-on charge. In retrospect, that was probably something it should have expected. A countless number of combat simulations had revealed the unsettling trend of charge attacks of large, lumbering entities being easily countered by the presence of obstacles directly behind the intended target. Indeed, a tree trunk directly impacting its sensors would not at all be an acceptable scenario. It moved its arm 90 degrees, oriented its hand to clip one of the trees to its side, and began to use that as a means to quickly U-turn. Of course, this manuever sacrificed the integrity of its left hand, but that was better than getting brained, as it were. Now it was back at it again with its charging attack, this time aiming at the unarmed Yoshi specifically. However, before getting too close, it tilted until it was straight up, rose in altitude, and directed its hot, post-jet-flame-heated foot down towards him. [b]For Hisaki[/b] Mosca 3 was having the time of its lack of life. Unlike its contemporaries, it was not engaged in combat, and thus was in no position to take one for the team. It was just here, sitting in the best seat in the house, and keeping watch over what they suspected was the camp of Sachiko Kanno and her associates. This was the correct conclusion, but it's not as if they knew. So far, it only had visual one two individuals - a dark-haired girl and a blonde boy - but if it used thermal imaging, it could make out a third individual, also female. So there it stood, spying on them. Because Mosca 3 likes to watch. Also because they might become security concerns later, but that was beside the point. Suddenly, Mosca 3's watching paid off: there was a flash. No, not that kind of flash, but the sort of flash associated with quick, barely-caught movements. In order to search for the source, the back of its head was facing Hisaki directly, meaning he was in no position to be detected through the peripheral. That said, it was pretty obvious it wasn't paying any attention to whatever wasn't in front of its "eyes". Like most constructs, it had an obvious weakness in the joints, which was now much more obvious with his close proximity. Similarly, he could see that the armoring was centered around its core and its head, with the minimal defenses on the extremities as something more of an afterthought than a design intention. Of course, striking one of the unarmored joints alone wouldn't be enough to shut it down in one hit, but there was a supremely good chance of crippling the parts of the machine that were on the output end of wherever the machine's "brain" was. [b]Back at Camp/Ayumu Tomoe[/b] At this point in time, camp didn't look exactly like it did when everyone left to seek out a means to support everyone's survival. While everyone was romping around in the mountains, Yuki, Sanji, and Ayumu had managed to secure some of the less improvisable utilities for the group through sufficient application of [s]begging[/s] diplomacy. Then, after setting up color-coded tents for everyone, Sanji hit the hay while Ayumu and Yuki did wholesome, family-friendly camping activities. Although let it be said that these vaguely-defined, family-friendly camping activities were most definitely not lewd or otherwise morally unsound in nature. Anyway, Ayumu continued to boredly stoke the flames of the campfire, taking the prolonged silence as a time to reflect on everything that had happened so far. To call it emotionally, not to mentioned physically, exhausting would be rather apt. Still, even he could tell that if he stuck with these people, a stressful trip like this would be something he'd be begging for by the end of it. But that was just something that he'd rather not think about. He dropped his stick into the fire. [color=F19CBB]"Mou, Yuki-chan,"[/color] he turned to face the white-haired girl, wherever she was, [color=F19CBB]"I'm bored. Wanna go out and take a walk or go look for more stuff or something?"[/color] [b]For Mud[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zLfCnGVeL4]A moment of silence.[/url]