[center][h1][color=9e0b0f]Isaac Hawthorne[/color][/h1][/center] “My purpose? I intend to visit Nathaniel Hawthorne? I’ve already said I’m his son for Rao’s sake.” The man in common garb was arguing with the behemoth of a prison guard was Isaac Hawthorne. This wasn’t the first time this argument has occurred. Every time Isaac walks in it’s the same scenario over and over again. There are constant explanations to a man no smarter than an ox. But every time Isaac makes it through, however you could almost see the steam blowing above his neck-length wheat-colored hair. No matter the cost to Isaac’s patience it is worth it to visit his father. For the past six years Nathaniel Hawthorne has been stuck in the Pit, mining away for the Chamberhill family. Nathaniel deserved it however; Nathaniel had been a master thief and had been a thorn in the side of the law for years. Evading capture for so long can only create arrogant attitudes. His arrogant attitude was quickly flipped when a routine heist went wrong and injured his son. To save himself, his son, and his fellow conspirators Nathaniel took the blame and received a lifetime in the Pit. With six years down Nathaniel only has the rest of his life left. Isaac masterfully navigated his way down into the earth. With every step the air becomes thicker and hotter. At the end of the third hallway, past all of the freaks, lays a cell. As Isaac walks down piercing blue eyes open up and lock onto Isaac. The eyes belong to weary and dirty man. This prison could wear men down till they are nothing more than empty shells that mine for anything of value, but Isaac’s father magically kept himself together. Nathaniel’s body was lean, the prisoners are fed just enough to work and sleep. Even with his body’s appearance anybody could see that mentally Nathaniel was strong. They locked eyes briefly before Isaac broke the silence between them. “Hey Pa I brought you a little something.” Isaac pulls out an object wrapped in cloth. To Nathaniel’s surprise it was a small hunk of cured beef. He pulled a strip off and stuffed it in his mouth like an animal, but who could blame him the food served was a pittance in comparison. While the man was ravenously eating the meat Isaac began to talk. “There was an attack in the marketplace again, some Nerull worshiper tried his luck on a merchant, but luckily I was there. I wasn’t able to take him alive, he tried to cast some kind of spell on me, but my sword was quicker.” In between bites Nathaniel said, “Good. Wouldn’t. Want. Nothing. To. ‘appen. To. Ya.” Nathaniel didn’t disapprove of Isaac being a member of the city guard, it was a “respectable profession” and it was a reason as to why Nathaniel was able to have his son visit every week. “ Well Pa you know…”