"And that is what I want you all to be practicing today," Professor Flynn has just finished saying. They've been learning how to cover their desks in flowers and grass and as many things as they can fit on the small surface. Some people are flourishing with it, but Sophia is having a bit of trouble with this one. Earth magic has always been her worst. Professor Flynn is her favorite though, he's fresh out of the academy himself and he lets them do so much practical work, so it doesn't become long days of lectures. They've only started to begin more of their harder magic classes, most of them having just found their eggs and some still looking. Of course it could be harder, but the academy likes to work them up to the harder things and not just moving quickly. Sophia can get white flowers to grow over her desk a little, but it's not going the best it could. Along with that they have training after this and she's been eager to work on moves they'll need with their dragons now. They've got to be able to protect the eggs until they hatch and then they've got to make sure that they don't let their dragons get in harms way without helping some. Earth magic is the worst. It really really is and of course the kid next to her is getting it as if it's nothing. Stupid earth magic users and their ability to make anything grow anywhere. "Alright, it'd be best if you could make some vines go around your desk as well if you can do the flowers," Professor Flynn calls out to the class. "And maybe help out your neighbors if they're struggling." Sophia reaches out to touch one of the flowers and watches it wilt with a groan.