[h1][color=Deepskyblue]Charles Dorvain[/color][/h1] The morning came soon, and with it the annoyance that was the alarm on Charles' smartphone. The loud ringing that he had set it too rang out for a few seconds before his still form lazily reached down towards his pocket, pulling the small device towards his face, his eyes still closed as he did so. He absent-mindedly pressed the screen until he must have hit the snooze button, and then he set it down, getting ready to drift off back into sleep. . . . Only to be greeted by another droning alert, this time right in his face, that alerted him getting a text message. WHile he wanted to just shut this one of as well, the fact that he didn't now anyone who would communicate by text stopped his finger just before he did so, slowly opening his eyes to glare at the screen. With a swipe, he was presented with the message, his eyes opening slightly as he started to wake up a bit, the content of the message making him completely skeptical of the whole affair. . . and yet, as the master of Assassin, this provided a rather tantalizing opportunity to take out some master's early in the game. [i][color=Deepskyblue]But in that same vein, as the master of Assassin, that means it's imperative that I don't reveal myself as such. . . this holds both benefits and downsides, but I think I should go. Not only would I get a chance to scope out the competition, but I'll also get a chance to rack an early kill. Still, should probably prep some familiars first to scope out the area with Jack before I show up myself, just to make sure this isn't a trap.[/color][/i] With his mind made up, Charles finally rose from the bed, reaching into one of his travel bags to collect some clothes to change into before calling out to his Servant, who he hoped was in the room resting as he said. [color=Deepskyblue]"Hey, Assassin. If you're here, get ready to leave. We've got an invitation, and I plan to scope the scene before we commit to this."[/color] [@Holy Grail]