This got approved, don't worry [hr] [b]Appearance (Real Life):[/b] [img][/img] [b]Height:[/b] 175 cm [b]Weight:[/b] 80 kg [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black [b]Eye Color:[/b] Brown [b]Name:[/b] Thomas Green [b]Age:[/b] 16 [hider=history] Thomas was born to loving parents, though his mother wasn’t often there. She’d had quite a successful career due to deep ground, though even after that was over, her love of adventure often got the better of her. She became a reporter, trekking around the globe for something interesting. His father was reliable enough, if a little distant, but Thomas never had anything against his parents. From a young age, he was taught how to do household chores and take responsibility, but he never complained. It had to be done, so he did it. The one solace from his mundane life was his cousin, whose company he enjoyed more than pretty much anyone. Fast forward a few years of monotony and a few things change. While he remains whimsical as ever, he’s a little less energetic than he was. He doesn’t have many friends, though that suits him alright. Then Deep ground happens. His initial impression is rather mixed. On the one hand, it’s an interesting game to whittle down the time. On the other hand, it’s rather odd that it would decide your future. He couldn’t really bring himself to like it all that much, however, because it seemed a little unfair, in a way he couldn’t really describe. So instead of opting to spend his entire high-school life focused on Deep Ground, like many other people his age did, he decided to try and become successful through his own efforts. He was initially against enrolling in Purple Crown but once he found out that his cousin was going there and that their education was quite high quality, he decided to enroll. He joined the news club to help his cousin who idolised his mother, though the news club was already in its decline at that point. At the tender age of 16, he became the president of the news club and plans to revitalise the dead club.[/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Thomas is layed back about a lot of things and tends not to worry about the future. He likes to conserve his strength in case he needs it. Even though he’s quite laid back, when things need to be done he gets down to business, becoming much more serious. He has a talent for commanding people, though he’s not exactly a leader type. Still somewhat whimsical on occasion, doing frivolous things on a whim. He has a soft spot for his family and his cousin, but is otherwise fairly stubborn to things he considers worth the effort. [hr] [b]Appearance (Avatar):[/b] The puppet master appears as a lanky humanoid metal puppet with no facial features. It’s quite agile, but is also surprisingly strong and durable. [b]Avatar Class:[/b] Warlock [b]Avatar profession:[/b] Enchanter [b]Avatar Title:[/b] Puppet master [b]Avatar Level (Initial):[/b] 3 (10,000 EXP) [b]Avatar Guild:[/b] None for now [hider=Avatar Abilities] [hider=Skills] [b]Level 1: Mark of the puppet master[/b] [b]Category:[/b]Passive/Active Passively, the puppet master’s attacks attach a visible mark to the target. When the skill is activated, the puppet master chooses a marked target. Depending on whether or not the marked target is an ally or an enemy, the marks increase the damage the target deals or increases the damage they take by 10% for 5 minutes. Additional marks stack for a total of up to 50%, though more marks can be applied. The marks can be removed by the target through physical contact. The marks can also be administered by the puppet master via touch and do not persist through death. [b]Cast time:[/b]Nearly instant [b]Cooldown:[/b] 5 actions per target effective after the ability ends [b]Level 2: Puppet creation[/b] [b]Category:[/b] Active/Passive The puppet master summons a puppet that mimics his appearance. The puppet has 50% of the puppet master’s hp and attack attributes, though keeps the puppet master’s defense attribute (including armour). The puppet is treated as an extension of the puppet master and the puppet master can use his abilities and feats through the puppet except for puppet creation, though normal cooldowns still apply. The puppet must be equipped with weapons after being created as it isn’t created with weapons. The puppet master can have up to 3 puppets out at once, though he can’t directly control more than he can concentrate on (2 with no distractions). The puppet master can either issue simple commands to his puppets or take command personally and use the puppet to act remotely. Puppet attacks apply the marks to their targets. This spell has 2 charges which accrue even while the puppet master is offline. [b]Cast time:[/b] 3 seconds [b]Cooldown:[/b] 2 time increments [b]Level 3: Sense share[/b] Toggled skill. The puppet master picks a target and trades either his sense of sight, smell, touch, hearing or taste for one of the target’s senses. The target needs to have at least one mark for the skill to be used. Both the puppet master and the target keep their traded senses but both can sense other’s traded sensations. For example, the puppet master can choose to share his sence of taste for a target’s sight. If the target was not informed before, they will have a strange taste in their mouth that they can’t explain while the puppet master will be able to see what they see. When the skill is toggled, marks on the target glow faintly if senses are being shared. Senses can be ignored by knowing targets. If touch is shared, damage is not dealt to the puppet master but he will feel pain. [b]Cast time:[/b] None [b]Cooldown:[/b] None [/hider] [hider=Feats] [u]Monodextrous casting[/u] Enables you to wield a melee weapon in one hand [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Avatar equipment] [list] [*]A longsword [*]A focus bracelet for spells [*]Light body armor [/list] [/hider] [b]Other:[/b]