[hr][center][h1][color=fff79a]Claire[/color], [color=82ca9d]Murphy[/color] & [color=f26522]Desh[/color][/h1] [/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Hotel Shikha [b]Interacting With:[/b] [@Charnobylisk] [@POOHEAD189] [@Salrynn] [b]Time/Date:[/b] Evening/August 1st, 2016 [/center][hr] Once everyone had climbed in Desh put the pedal to the metal and they were off; he drove like most everyone else in town, crazy enough to make Tasha's driving look sane. Perhaps the face they were in an enclosed van helped some; at least when the passengers went flinging left and right they bumped into each other or the van walls instead of, well, the damn street below. Murphy just chuckled to himself as he stretched his arms out along the back of he bench seat and grasped the faded and cracked leather interior. Clair just held on to her brother for dear life, she was about the adventures but this was ridiculous. She let out a slew of curses from the beginning of the trip until they pulled up at Shika that would have made a sailor blush. Granted when Desh finally parked she didn't spill out like she had earlier; for all she knew there was another goat on the loose here. Opening the door Clair let out a low whistle looking at the hotel. [color=fff79a]"Cass, me thinks we need to switch hotels,"[/color] she said as she looked around. The [url=http://image6.buzzintown.com/files/venue/upload_12000/upload_original/395472-shikha-hotel.JPG]place[/url] looked splendid. Okay, maybe not splendid but compared to the rat trap they were staying in now it looked like five star luxury. [color=f26522]"You are a very funny one Miss McManus, just like your brother. I can see that such a hilarious sense of humor and a love of a good joke run in the family,"[/color] Desh has he got out of the van and locked up once the rest of the passengers were unloaded. [color=82ca9d]"I don't think she was joking,"[/color] Murphy pipped in from behind his sister. [color=fff79a]"I wasn't joking."[/color] [color=82ca9d]"See, told you she wasn't joking."[/color] [color=f26522]"You two are very funny, very funny indeed,"[/color] Desh said as he plastered a smile on his face and walked inside. [color=fff79a]"I wasn't joking,"[/color] Claire growled under her breath before following the man. [color=82ca9d]"I know,"[/color] Murphy said before running his hands through his hair and following his sister; oh there was going to be a fight tonight. Inside the place was nice enough, clean, and air conditioned. Claire squealed in delight as she rushed into the 100% Rock bar located within the hotel and grabbed a table for the crew.